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Hi, UK crowdfunder here

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2015 12:42 pm
by Verticallychallenged
Hi, UK resident here I'm passionate about growing plants and have designed a vertical grow system. It works very well both indoors and outdoors but we have struggled to connect to the market due to very poor marketing from the people that run the website so I'm looking to crowdfunding to give us the funds we need for further development and market the product successfully.

Also I want to travel back to Lithuania where the product is manufactured as we have quite a lot e of development and testing left I have so far funded this from my own pocket but recently after 10 years lost my main job (was replaced by cheaper workers) which is stalled any possible development. I have garden centre very interested in the product but the money won't come till June/July essentially writing another year off in development due to missing summer season.

I'm a social media cripple and also value my privacy strongly which makes crowdfunding difficult/impossible but am slowly learning.

Thanks for your time

Re: Hi, UK crowdfunder here

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:59 am
by giftsandcoupons
Hi, I commented on your campaign. But as you've written here you've identified your problems - so you need to get around it by fixing them. It seems you know what's wrong with your campaign, but backers can't back you unless they know as much as possible plus focus on the main points/benefits of using your product.

Yes social media is a must too, you can still be private but you do need to connect and meet people...otherwise, what's the point?