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Helixee reached 40% of his goal and needs you ! :)

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:29 am
by gildas2k
Hi everyone,

I'm the CTO of Novathings and we launched last week our Kickstarter campaign for our product called Helixee :

Helixee is a connected object that backs up automatically the content of all devices of a family (smartphone, tablets, computers). Each family member can access his backed up data and then share them on a local and remotly accessible private social network. All of the data remain on Helixee, at home.

We noted that nowadays, we are taking more photos and videos than ever thanks to our smartphones and tablets. But without taking time to back them up, a lost or broken device can mean losing precious memories.
We have the choice to back up our data on public clouds, to the detriment of our privacy, or on network attached storage (NAS), which are hard to install and setup.
Plus, we want to share our photos, videos and documents in privacy, without sending them to the Cloud, to social networks or attached to heavy emails which are going to get lost in your mail box.


That’s why we created Helixee, a connected object dedicated to the safety of our entire connected life. With Helixee, we want to offer you the best of both worlds (Cloud & Network Hard Drive), a digital safe that is easy to install and easier to use for everybody, combined with your own private social network.

To launch our Kickstarter campaign, we have worked hard on those several subjets :
- making a video that explains the purpose with a good storytelling : it's clearly not simple, we were too much on the "What" and not enough on the "Why" on the first versions of the video.
- getting a list of bloggers and journalists that could be interested to talk about us : we're still working on it, some of them don't want to talk about a product that is not on the market yet.
- trying to talk about our project on several websites like this one, to reach a community
- sending e-mails to all of our contacts (personal and pros) to let us know about our project ask them if they can help us by backing our product on Kickstarter or simply share the information

Today, after 7 days, we're reaching 40% of our goal, which is really great and we need to keep working hard to reach more backers during the 24 remaining days.
Launching a Kickstarter campaign is like a project into the project and is really important to meet our future customers.
If you have any advices or questions about Helixee or the team, leave me a message in comment, i'll be glad to answer.

And obviously, you can back us and share our campaign to everyone who could be interested :

Here is our website :

Re: Our first campaign with Helixee, reaching 40% in 7 days

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:00 am
by giftsandcoupons
Hi Gildas,

Great campaign, great page! I didn't read the text properly so I scrolled down the page. I saw how you made it, the colours, the sizes, nice shots of people in there but I was confused as to what the device does.

Now, I've read up on you...I understand but to capture the feeling of what the Helixee does, it wasn't clear.

My initial concerns are privacy. Data being stolen, for example if the neighbour pops by or the delivery driver comes in would it take their data too?

Then what data does it capture? Everything? Some concerns really. If someone stolen the Helixee, could they find out all the info?

- Quick question how did you find the contacts to promote you? Did it take a long time?

But you have a great looking page!

Re: Our first campaign with Helixee, reaching 40% in 7 days

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:04 am
by gildas2k
Hi giftsandcoupons,

Thanks a lot for your feedback, we're working on making our page as clear as possible.

About privacy, as you probably understood, each member of the family has is own user account on Helixee.
Each user account is protected with a password set by the family member.
To save data from his device, he has to download the Novathings app from App Store or Google Play on his device. Then, when he starts the app, he has to authenticate with his account.
Once it's done, his device is linked to its user account, then he can back up some data.

The data he can back up are the following :
- on smartphones and tablets (iOS, Android) : Photos, Videos, Contacts and Files (Android only for this one)
- on PC and Mac : a selection of directories that he selected in the Novathings desktop app.

Helixee is connected to the WiFi network of the family, so all devices connected to the same network can access it.
Your neighbour or the delivery driver don't have access to your WiFi family network, so they can't access your Helixee.
And if they (or a someone else) break your WiFi family network, they need a user account to save or access data that are stored on Helixee. We made the authentication process very strong in our apps, so it's nearly impossible to break it.
If your Helixee is stolen, don't worry, all files that are stored in it are separatly encrypted (each file has is own encryption key). If someone pull off the hard drive from Helixee, he can't access it from another computer because the hard drive is automatically locked when he's outside of Helixee.

Finally, we used all of our contacts and related of our contacts to reach the most people possible.
It's a long time job and we're still working on it and on press relations to have more articles about our product.

I hope my answer is enough accurate regarding your questions.
If you have more questions, tell me :)

Re: Helixee reached 40% of his goal and needs you ! :)

Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 10:19 am
by giftsandcoupons
Nope that's fine! Sounds good. I was going to suggest that I could help promote you on our gifts site, but it looks like you've got the press angle covered. Hope you can reach upto 100%+

Re: Helixee reached 40% of his goal and needs you ! :)

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:11 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.