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JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 12:43 am
by DryClimate
We just launched this afternoon and it feels like days...

Can anyone offer some advice on what to expect, what to do next, and what not to do.

So far, I've covered FB, Twitter, emailing everyone I've ever met in my life, joining boards like this one, and I still feel like I'm leaving something on the table.

Please check out my campaign and see if there's something I'm not seeing!

Thanks! ... r-new-york

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 5:17 am
by giftsandcoupons
Hi! Firstly I don't think the "scattergun" approach of contacting people about this project would work :)

Even just having one relevant contact who'd love your campaign is better than a couple of hundred that aren't into it. The relevant contact could tell others they know, spread the word on your behalf.

I think that's what campaigner's need to start doing actually:
- Contacting someone they know
- Ask them to take a look
- If they can't back you, can they ask someone they know who might be interested.

Just giving people an action plan helps alot, as they can follow that easily and most of the time they want to help you out (if you're not too pushy!).


Onto the campaign page itelf...

The top graphic is great, I think that's how you're getting backers and it helps alot. The tier with the coaster is getting the most backers, actually if this doesn't work out - I think you should concentrate on a KS page for coasters!

I'm having problems with the rest of the page. There's no info about you, no publicity from other sites, not much text.

I'm seeing about x4 videos and one photo which is black, these don't load for me at all. I think you should remove them and replace them with pictures inbetween text.

If you need help with your campaign, let me know.

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Wed Oct 14, 2015 3:10 pm
by simple
congrats on the launch! I just launched mine too! it's so exciting and I don't really know how to find backers either lol.
Like it has been said by gifts and coupons the shotgun approach seems like a wasted effort to me.
I have a thunderclap that's launching in 2 hours which is supposed to contact 170,000 people about my campaing so we'll see how that goes!
good luck on your journey!

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:17 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 8:40 am
by SofaDeck
Like the campaign, it is really simply and clear what you are trying to achieve :)

Good luck!

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:06 am
by giftsandcoupons
...but he posted and message and never checked the replies :)

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:30 pm
by IndigAmazonDoc
Yes think the targeted approach definitely better. Quality over quantity in the case of kickstarter projects

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:24 pm
by maria fano
I just launched too, couple days ago.
I asked all of my friends to back at least $1 and share on their social media.
I'm also contacting right now a lot of different blogs and magazines.
Will see how it goes.

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 11:36 pm
by NoteCaddie
Maria, what is your Kickstarter project about? ours is here: ... obile-golf

We also just launched a few days ago. we got a lot of social media shares, we got some blogs to write about it (mostly they found us on twitter). The one's we reached out to largely ignored us. We found it very hard to market a 'concept' to people as opposed to having something concrete. our family and friends have done a good job getting us started, but we haven't been able to get any sort of momentum with folks external to our niche. I would love to here how it goes with you!

Re: JUST LAUNCHED...What to expect?

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:17 am
by maria fano
here is our project

I couldn't justify paying thousands of dollars for a handbag. It inspired me to create my own.
It is a hand stitched bag from premium european shrunken calf and goat leather. The design is minimalistic and neutral palette of colors makes it timeless

We also have handmade card wallets and passport covers from French goat leather for as low as $25 for early birds.
We got some shares on facebook and instagram, but my goal right now is to be featured in blogs .

Good luck with your project.