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Making Your Campaign a Business

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:29 pm
by lostinwebspace
Hey everyone, I just wanted to put the offer out there that, if you're interested in turning your campaign product into the start of a business--something bigger than just a one-time deal--I can offer some advice on how to do that.

I'm currently in the process of funding the third book in a comedy/sci-fi/comic book novella series, and I ran a campaign a few months ago to start the first book, which turned into the first two. Now I'm seeing that I need to plan ahead and look at not only how to fund each book, but how to keep the ball rolling for future installments.

If you want, ask me a question, and I can offer whatever advice I can to make your campaign not just a stop-and-go experience, but one that keeps going.

Note that I'm in no way the foremost expert on crowdfunding nor do I have much, if any, experience with any of these advertising gimmicks. I'm just a guy with experience and a determination to help.

If you're interested in my background, here's the link to my upcoming campaign for In a Galaxy Far, Far Awry and here's a link to the previous one.

Just want to start some talk on a seldom-discussed crowdfunding topic.

Re: Making Your Campaign a Business

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 1:49 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: Making Your Campaign a Business

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:45 am
by timothylevey
Your a writer in the area I wanted to hit on most with the campaign "AlterEgo", I envisioned a place where people could go that have no intent to post on facebook and make up fictional story lives. I have been told its a lofty goal but there are so many ways to expand it to something more than just a posting site, idk.

Re: Making Your Campaign a Business

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 3:55 am
by lostinwebspace
What exactly did you have in mind? And do you have a link to your campaign?

Re: Making Your Campaign a Business

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:42 pm
by timothylevey
here is a link to the campaign. I should spend more time on it however I work full time and have another non-kickstarter project going as well, free time at the moment is non existant. ... 4/alterego