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Behind the Scenes of an Upcoming Kickstarter

Posted: Sat Sep 19, 2015 1:25 am
by brianfz
Over the next few weeks we will be giving you a behind the scenes look at our upcoming Kickstarter project, the Arc Hub! The product is a hub that provides all the ports consumers need for Apple's new Macbook (the one with USB-C). The design of the Arc Hub unique and is meant to compliment Apple's products while at the same time providing functionality to consumers by using the design as a way to have easy cord management.

Visit where you can read about our ongoing journey leading up to the launch of our Kickstarter project (est. launch date is mid October)! Be sure to read our first post titled "Behind the Scenes of a Kickstarter - Introduction" so you can be up to date on the current status of our project! Any feedback is much appreciated! If you have any questions feel free to leave it here or comment on our blog!

Thank you!

Re: Behind the Scenes of an Upcoming Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:00 am
by giftsandcoupons
Hi, I saw the blog...just at the moment it seems a little too "raw" as it looks to be in the concept phase rather than a physical product you can demonstrate.

Re: Behind the Scenes of an Upcoming Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:24 am
by brianfz
Thank you for checking out our blog and I appreciate the feedback! The goal of the blog is to give consumers, and startups who are looking to start a Kickstarter, a glimpse into the actual work and development process of product before it launches on Kickstarter. We want it to be helpful to startups and provide them with some insight into the kind of work that goes on before a product launches on Kickstarter and also interesting to consumers who are curious about how our product was created.

Re: Behind the Scenes of an Upcoming Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 2:37 am
by giftsandcoupons
OK sure, it's all good!

How about contacting and connecting with blogs and sites? How's that going and how do you gage their interest (I guess my site is a target too? haha)

Re: Behind the Scenes of an Upcoming Kickstarter

Posted: Sun Sep 20, 2015 3:51 am
by brianfz
We actually have a freelance marketer who is contacting blogs and websites to help get the word out about our blog (If your in need of a freelance marketer/advertiser I recommend using Having that extra help really eases the work load haha).

So far things are looking good for our blog. We only just started contacting blogs & sites, but the feedback so far has been positive. As for gauging interest, we usually target blogs and websites who blog and post about interesting stories on kickstarters, product design, entrepreneurship, startups, etc. Generally these blogs & sites have audiences that would be interested in reading our blog. I just looked at your site, and the service your offering is really good! It's a service that we might possibly use to help our kickstarter get some more exposure once we launch it.

Re: Behind the Scenes of an Upcoming Kickstarter

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2015 11:40 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.