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Lazuli Owl: Ecclectic Fashion Community

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2015 1:08 pm
by lazuliowl
Hi! My name is Daiannie Vera and I have a project in Kickstarter under the fashion category.

Lazuli Owl is the new way to see direct sales. Unlike other companies, Lazuli Owl is a community where we are all equal, no ranks! We also use only real girls with real bodies to show our inventory and most important, we focus on young women that want to feel good being themselves!

We will use the funds to build an interactive website, print the catalogs and manufacture the inventory!

Please visit my kickstarter help me fund it, share it and let me know what your think!

Re: Lazuli Owl: Ecclectic Fashion Community

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 11:48 pm
by sbriggman
Thanks for sharing!

Re: Lazuli Owl: Ecclectic Fashion Community

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 1:39 am
by Mr. YouthWriter
Daiannie, it looks and sounds like a really interesting idea; I'm always for new, eclectic communities. It's what I, myself, am hoping to inspire as a writer, young and a teenager I may be. I did notice a few things. First, on your picture about how Lazuri Owl is different, I'm pretty sure you meant to put "through real girls"; it's just a minor thing, but will throw people off. Second, I think that your rewards could use a bit sprucing up; there aren't that many of them, and while you're higher reward levels are pretty good, you start immediately at $50, which is a pretty high minimum pledge amount for most people. Finally, I would add more about you, why you've wanted to do this for so long and what really makes Lazuri Owl shine, in the text; there's not much detail about it. Also, I'd put more things under the risks and rewards, that way people feel like there's something you have to overcome, and they'll want to support you more for it. Just a few of my thoughts, and I really hope you succeed! If you have a Twitter, I'd love to follow and retweet you.

Re: Lazuli Owl: Ecclectic Fashion Community

Posted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 2:57 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.