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My book, Evolutionary Tales, is a Staff Pick!

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:14 am
by MCubb
You can see the project here:

I didn't do a thing to get it other than make my campaign to the best of my abilities. I've heard of people asking their backers to email Kickstarter and what not, but I thought that'd be a bit spammy. My first book never was a Staff Pick, so this is a wonderful surprise! I then made a Staff Pick badge and stuck it on there - within one day Kickstarter emailed me asking me to remove it. I thought that was pretty funny, but I did as I was asked because they said they wanted their Staff Pick campaigns to look nice and clean with no badges or clutter. And so far I've gotten 10 backers from being a Staff Pick. Out of 150 backers, I'd say that's a really nice bump!