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Things to do before Starting a Crowd Funding Campaign

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:39 am
by uttoransen
Hello friends,

From the experience that I gained from helping other campaign creators reach their funding goals, I have written a "Starter Checklist" for Crowd Funding Campaign Creators.

You have an idea and with all honesty – you believe it is worth gold!

And thus, you thought of running a crowd funding campaign for raising funds for your idea so that it can take the shape of reality.

And that is how it should be.

Unless of course no one else agrees with you.

Before you start a crowd funding campaign, you need to plan a few things. Starting with – time, you are going to need plenty of it, some funds to market your idea and a base on which you will market it.

Read more - Crowd Funding Checklist - Top 8 Things to do before Starting a Crowd Funding Campaign

Do let me know your thoughts,
Uttoran Sen,

Re: Things to do before Starting a Crowd Funding Campaign

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:07 am
by Leelu
Awesome post uttoransen. I found that quite insightful.

I did find something that it didn't mention in the Perks section, Postage! If you're having to post across the world I've found it can be quite expensive and in my case can cost nearly as much as the production costs of your perks. It's a good idea to check these costs as you might find you want to limit where you post to. Make sure you get it right or you could find a big chunk of your funds being taken on this.

Re: Things to do before Starting a Crowd Funding Campaign

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 8:30 am
by uttoransen
Hi Leelu,

Thank you for the reply, glad to know you liked the article,

Yes, Postage is an important factor - and yes it can be provided as an additional perk. I have seen some campaigns do it and is a very good idea.

thanks for the input,
Uttoran Sen,