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VERDAY Kickstarter Launch

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2015 3:58 am
by GWL44
Hi everyone!

We just launched our kickstarter for our green cleaning products called VERDAY. We are trying to raise $50,000 so we can order our minimum inventory, and help eliminate toxic chemicals used in our homes, one VERDAY at a time.

(sorry for the pun)


Let us know what you think!

Re: VERDAY Kickstarter Launch

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:41 am
by giftsandcoupons
I think this is brilliant and surprised you haven't reached your goal yet.

When you mention, competiting against other competitors. I'd actually like to see some proof of that in a video or pictures, I think as a potential backer it would really, really help.

If you want further promotion, let me know!

Re: VERDAY Kickstarter Launch

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 9:14 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.