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Pop-sci book project - Mars: The Planet of Our Destiny!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:29 pm
by Zvezdichko

My name is Svetoslav, I have a B.Sc. degree in Molecular biology, a M.Sc. and a PhD degree in Plant physiology.

I'm currently living in a small country - Bulgaria. Unfortunately the government doesn't provide enough funds for science to thrive, Private companies are not that interested, either. Teachers are not well paid. I love science. I want to popularize science. But it's hard to do it here. These are my main reasons I turned to crowdfunding.

Enough with bad news. Now ... the good news.

The goal of my project is to write a visually rich book about Mars and to distribute it freely to school libraries and local astro clubs.

Yesterday the biggest private television in Bulgaria (bTV) presented the project in the news (link: ... -mars.html )... I got some nice followers and fans. I also got my first funding! I am so happy!

My project is presented here:

Please, take a look at the bonuses and perks I offer. I'm the owner of the website KOSMOS BG ( ), the biggest website about space exploration in Bulgaria. One of the perk (for 4 euro) allows everyone of you to be presented on the website as a "Patron of science in Bulgaria". Other cool perks include custom facebook covers, t-shirts, book copies. Your name can be included in the book and you can dedicate a page.

I will be glad to find more supporters for my project.


Svetoslav Alexandrov.

Re: Pop-sci book project - Mars: The Planet of Our Destiny!

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:47 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: Pop-sci book project - Mars: The Planet of Our Destiny!

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 1:12 pm
by Cam Connor
Hey there, just took a look. You really want to dive right into telling people what they're going to get, and why they should back your project.

You don't have much sales copy there, I'd add quite a bit more to persuade people to back it.

Also, you should have a video as well... it doesn't have to be professionally done, it just has to tell people what they'll get for backing you, and why you deserve the funds.

Good luck,