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Sheep Happens - A game about Sheeps and Goats

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 9:29 pm
by sheep happens

Hi Everybody

Sheep Happens is the first project of our Little start-up “Deus Games”, we’ll be live on the 1th of June on Kikcstarter. Shepp Happens is a brand new card game about the endless war beetwen sheep and goats. The game is for 2 to 5 palyers and the rules are quite simple. During the game you’ll use your goat to catch the opponent’s sheep, the first player who capture seven of them wins the game. So you’ll have, at the same time, to defend your flock with very powerfull and stupid tools, and organize yuor goats, to break the enemies defence and steal their sheep. The deck is composed by 108 cards and each one of them have a unique artwork made by our amazing artist.

Here are some examples:

In the next days we’ll release new material, cards and artworks,
To know more about this project visit us on
Check our latest updates on our facebook page
If you like this project please support us and make this game Happens!

Thank you

Re: Sheep Happens - A game about Sheeps and Goats

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 11:13 pm
by sheep happens