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Coded bracelets, Carl! Coded!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:42 am
by Val
Hi everyone!

2 weeks ago we lauched our campaign on Kickstarter. We create bracelets wich you can code with Morse code. But its not going well, as our first project :(
We work hard on this project for 6 month, create great video but still too less of people visited our Morza project this time and we dont know how to promote our campaign.

Many thanks for any advice and comments! ... nav_search

Re: Coded bracelets, Carl! Coded!

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 1:03 pm
by DrParx

We are experiencing the same.. We thought our idea was great, and spend a lot of time on it to build an audience, and press attention. Unfortunately we are even further away than your project..

I do like your project though, and the page looks very nice. So no real advice.. Have you made a Thunderclap, or shared it thru Facebook, Twitter and other sites?