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Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 1:54 pm
by DrParx
This is our project so far...

We started out last Tuesday with our hopes setup high..

The weeks before we created a big contacts list, started our Facebook and Twitter campaign to get the hype going...

Well unfortunately until now we only have around 50 backers and not even at 10% of the target.

Most people claim that the first 3 days are the most important days, well if this is the case, our project is failing.. We do not give up and we hope to get a peak in next week.. We started a Thunderclap, which still needs support

Also we send out a second mailing yesterday which added some extra backers...

We received some advice on this forum from giftsandcoupons, and are incorporating some of this now.

We are now thinking that maybe our pledge amount was too low.. If we started out higher, and our friends and family pledged we would have been at the 10 to 20 % already. Our initial thought was as low as possible so we will get a lot of backers.

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Fri May 22, 2015 5:36 pm
by TrevorL
How is your advertising? The award that you won is great, but I would leverage media both locally and internationally as well as tech bloggers regarding your product. Also, I think your project description (the tagline) is a bit complicated. Try to shorten it into a focused tagline - something like "a phone cover that keeps your phone germ free!

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:26 pm
by DrParx
Hi TrevorL,

Thanks for your feedback..

We came from an IT company, and tried reaching out the press contacts we had from there, unfortunately not very successful yet. Just used your tagline to see if this makes it easier to understand, and to draw people to the project.

One other thing we are thinking is that we might have made the price too low.. Unfortunately this is something we cannot change anymore.

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 5:37 pm
by TrevorL
Press can be hard. My first campaign failed, but you learn a lot. Remember that Kickstarter isn't what it used to be so don't be discouraged if you are hearing people saying what they did in 2012 and having it work about miraculously. Kickstarter was at one time a bit more of an open-mic, but those times have changed. Keep working at it and you will get their...mine just funded yesterday :)

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:46 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:40 am
by thegadgetflow
Love the idea but you should definitely focus more on the design part.

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:56 am
by DrParx
Thanks for the feedback.

We were contacted by several companies interested in the case, and maybe they want to start producing it for their own brand. For now we are trying to get it funded as much as possible.

When do people to decide to pull the plug out of a project? Would it be better to end it and restart, or keep it running and restart?

Not saying we will go this way, but looking at different angles, possibilities on what to do.

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:11 am
by thegadgetflow
I'd strongly suggest you to end the project and restart again with better marketing strategy and preparation.

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 4:14 am
by ledshotrod
Hi, Our project is going through a similar situation, I can see you are a confirmed senior member and would appreciate your feedback and analysis of our project, the "L.E.D Shot Rod" [] that isn't really kick-starting like we had hoped. What should be changed? Where is our mistake(s)? we are a humble crew and ready to make the right changes in order to make it happen. Please let us know your insights.

We would also appreciate any promotion and awareness you could bring to this project


The L.E.D Shot Rod

Re: Our project so far... Little disappointing after 3 days

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 12:17 pm
by babyshoesmovie
Yes, I've cancelled my previous 2 projects. I could see they weren't going anywhere. No mater how good the product or goal is. If you don't have an audience before you start, there really isn't any point.