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Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:41 pm
by richs ... billetspin

Well this is my second kickstarter project. The first one was barely funded but I was happy as it was my first. I really had no clue what I was doing so that was me getting my feet wet. It was called Billet Dice. I did everything myself and met a ton of great people.

This time around formed a team. I hired a professional to do the video, graphic artist for logos and photographer pics. These are people I know and have a great reputation. We wanted to have a lot of fun with this project and I assure you we did. It took a lot more time to finish the page than any of use ever imagined. But I think the end project was worth it. Having it fund in less than five hours was the cherry on the sundae. What an amazing experience!

I am new to this wonderful forum and am excited to learn a lot from all of you! Have a wonderful day.


Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2015 6:50 pm
by richs
One of the things I really took to heart this time around was creating a buzz well before the project launched. I used Facebook mostly. I joined any group that related to my project. I did giveaways and just got to know the fine folks of those groups. I answered questions and sent out free prototypes to some choice members for reviews. I gave some away to people that had a good following on Youtube for video reviews. Yes it cost a lot of money upfront but I am sure that is why it funded so fast. I also priced the rewards as low as possible. I did away with early bird discounts because I believe Kickstarter is the early bird. I gave everyone a chance to pledge for the rewards at the same price. I did however offer early shipping rewards in limited quantities. I was able to do that because I ran extra prototypes. So far they seem to like that.

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 7:01 pm
by kickstarterguru

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:06 am
by steven
Really is very miracle

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 12:58 pm
by Charles
richs wrote:I am new to this wonderful forum and am excited to learn a lot from all of you! Have a wonderful day.


Actually, the forum could probably learn more from you, than you could from it.

Here, you have a product based upon something that already enjoys widespread familiarity across multiple generations. You combine that with a quality approach, a really well done project page that oozes visual interest, and you top it off with an audience from your previous successful Kickstarter and your ancillary crowd-building activities leading into the launch of your crowdfunding campaign.

It may come across to some as a miracle, but I suspect that it was anything but. Good planning, solid execution, excellent product. That's a recipe for success!

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 4:37 pm
by chardc2
Fantastic news - well done !

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2015 10:48 pm
by Hoppers
5 hours???? you must have done something right! checked out your page, those are so cool! we go live for our first campaign in a week, and we have been working hard on our page! We are also new here, a lot of great info. It is nice to see what others have gone through and their success stories, hope we will be posting ours soon!

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Tue May 05, 2015 8:07 pm
by beacegames
Wow. That's amazing. But you mention you did it with a full team and presumably a decent startup budget. How would you do it with zero budget? I've already badgered my friends and spammed a bunch of FB groups, and I already feel bad about it. :(

Support a small startup where Christians, Muslims and Jews will make smart, collaborative games together in Jerusalem. Beace Games:

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:09 am
by orion
what was your goal?

Re: Funded in less than five hours, wow!

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 4:54 am
by borowik
well 5 hours? You were very lucky ;)