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Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:22 am
by sbriggman
Hey guys!

I'm looking to get more into the e-commerce space and wanted to connect with other creators who are also! If you're doing a fashion, gadget, or other kind of Kickstarter that you intent to turn into an online store, I'd love to connect with you!

My email is:

Question: What is your biggest challenge in starting up the online store?


Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 2:59 pm
by MoonStar
Were planning on creating visual novels and jrpg's at 10-15$ each the most.

Biggest challenge?

Hmm i guess getting started and making our first visual novel. We already have talked with some sites and places to sell it need to have the funds to finish it. :D

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:35 pm
by sbriggman
Cool. Thanks for sharing. I'm becoming more interested in ecommerce because it seems like a lot of creators also struggle on that front.

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:32 am
by mpzan
I have been working in the entrepreneurial e-commerce realm for a number of years now. I am currently running a fashion-related Kickstarter project: - If the product line does become successfully funded, it would have an associated e-commerce site setup similar to this one: HTTPS:// (Another one of mine). The site for this project is currently setup: HTTPS://, but right now just as a basic e-commerce shell or structure, without being fully loaded with products and content yet.

The biggest challenges that I have found in working with e-commerce sites directly over the years, are primarily related to the overall setup and design, specifically to properly setting up fully-functioning, integrated payment gateways, along with SSL-Certificate encryption and security, while also minimizing related overhead. The costs skyrocket if you are unable to figure out how to do all of this on your own, and have to pay someone else to design and setup an e-commerce site for you. I was lucky to be able to figure out how to do it all over the years, but it did take a considerable amount of time to learn how to get everything setup and working properly. The other biggest e-commerce site-related challenge, besides sales and marketing of course, is managing and maintaining stock and associated inventory supply levels, while also consistently uploading and moderating fresh, relevant contact, and building an engaged, active user-base. I hope that helps.

Please support & share: ... hing-colle

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 8:31 pm
by shades1963

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 7:01 pm
by sbriggman
@shades - Hi.

@mpzan - Thanks for sharing your project/website. Have you considered using Shopify or an easy wordpress + woocommerce setup? Yeah, I can imagine that inventory management would be a lot to handle, along with operations in general. I appreciate you taking the time to share!

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:15 pm
by Arrnica
I am trying to create a therapeutic adult coloring book, which doubles up as a learning, entertaining and inspiring experience for its buyers. If it all works out, I plan to sell it online later on: ... lt-colorin

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 4:59 pm
by sbriggman
Cool! Thanks for sharing :)

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:31 pm
by twentyeightco

I am currently running a fashion project on kickstarter ... r-backpack and I think the biggest challenge once I am funded is managing the inventory. I am currently using wix for my information page once I am funded I am looking to use shopify. Although I am not a fan of the transaction fees, shopify is the only platform I have had experience with

Re: Do you have an ecommerce project? I want to help!

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 10:32 pm
by sbriggman
Oh cool! Yeah, the inventory management is definitely challenging. Squarespace also has an ecommerce platform, though not nearly as developed as shopify.