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Campaign has a super bowl quality commerical

Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 7:02 pm
by FBK
This campaign is catchy.

Definitely wish I had this product when my son started driving.

Moving beyond the product to the (push marketing) commercial - it's rocking.

Stroll all the way down to the the campaign (after the pictures of the owners), and you'll see a very AWESOME video with animals and their babies.

Re: Campaign has a super bowl quality commerical

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:34 pm
by LepowAlec
The carvi is actually a really cool product! Thank you for sharing!!

Re: Campaign has a super bowl quality commerical

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 10:38 am
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.