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Awesome, Pokemon-inspired mobile game...The Incredible Baron

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 9:58 pm
by jesjesmi
Discover over 45 unlockable creatures in a Pokémon-inspired 'reverse tower defense' game for iOS, Android and Windows 8! Please check it out and support if you like what you see! I'm sure all of you know how much we appreciate any support you can give us. ... ible-baron

Currently, we have about 16 days left and are flat-lining a bit after a huge boost at the beginning. Getting a little nervous! Let me know if any of you have had similar experiences!

Re: Awesome, Pokemon-inspired mobile game...The Incredible B

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:34 pm
by Danchello
That is awesome. The best of your campaign is this part: "No premade DLC or deceptive in-app purchases. Just an honest, full game." I think eveybody is sick pf freemium games. Good luck with your campaign!

Re: Awesome, Pokemon-inspired mobile game...The Incredible B

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:15 pm
by jesjesmi
Thanks so much Danchello! Please back if you like :) Wow I love your product! So cool and the video is super impressive.

Re: Awesome, Pokemon-inspired mobile game...The Incredible B

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:59 pm
by MochShot
Great looking game, you are so close to your funding goal! Best of luck!
(Great Kickstarter page by the way, I am launching my zelda-inspired RPG for android/iOS on Kickstarter but I feel I need to make my rewards section stand out like you have [video uploading soon also])
[Draft] Launches Feb. 14th: ... n=557746a2

Re: Awesome, Pokemon-inspired mobile game...The Incredible B

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 3:55 am
by jesjesmi
Thanks! Please back if you like! :) Let me know when yours comes out and we will back you in return :)

Re: Awesome, Pokemon-inspired mobile game...The Incredible B

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 4:18 am
by ThunderSteel
Wow, this looks great!
The graphics remind of of a classic SNES or GBA game, which to me, I find more beautiful than most modern-style type of graphics.

As an artist myself, I find the details in this to be simply amazing! The boat scene with the rain, the jungle-type background with the rocks, the plants and the waterfalls, the snowy background, everything looks great and colorful!

All the creatures look good, and they're all unique and distinct from each other. You can tell that a lot of effort went into finding inspiration for the character designs. I love the main character's face as well, lol!

Gotta add, also, that I agree with the "no DLC" being the best thing about it.
Good luck to your team!