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Why are YOU backing projects?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 12:58 pm
Hey guys,

I'm a student at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg and I need your help! My study is about crowdfunding and need some opinions of people, who invested in at least one crowdfunding project on Kickstarter, indiegogo, ...

Therefore I created a survey with 14 questions, which take about 2 minutes to answer and help me a lot! If you have those 2 spare minutes, please invest them in this survey,


Survey on funding Kickstarter projects

As a thank you I am willing to publish those results, as soon as I get enough responses. ;)


Thank all of you for participating at this survey! Since some people took part and the results seem to have some validity, i now keep my promise and publish them here (1: very unimportant to 6: very important):

low importance:
2.43: Team had other projects before
2.57: Team invested themself in other projects
2.57: Celebrity support for project

medium importance
3.14: Press and media recommendations
3.29: Stretch-Goals available
3.43: Micropayment available (like $1, $5, ...)
3.71: Team is introduced individually

high importance:
4.29: Project has a website
4.43: (Finished) Product is available as reward
4.57: Project timeline shows project status
4.57: Campaign has a at least one video (hint from further research: 3-4 minutes are nice )
4.71: Project has a (experienced) team
5.29: Prototypes are shown
5.71: Product idea

Good luck with your future campaigns

Re: Why are YOU backing projects?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:20 pm
by Cristina
This post has been moved to the General Chat + Introduce Yourself section.