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Trinity: Ground Zero

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 9:16 pm
by District3 Studios

We are an independent game development company based out of Pittsburgh, Pa. We are a small group of 5 guys. We are game enthusiasts. We love playing games but we love making them even more.

You can help our small company buy checking out our campaign. ... round-zero

You dont have to back us, we are just asking that you spread the word.
word travels fast these days :mrgreen:

So we would love to hear from you as well, Please visit our site here:

And our twitter here @district3studio

Re: Trinity: Ground Zero

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 11:22 pm
by sbriggman
My first reaction: Come to the page. See zero dollars pledged. Figure there is something wrong with it. Click off. Would ask family and friends to pledge asap.

Re: Trinity: Ground Zero

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:49 am
by District3 Studios
Well, it's not about getting people to pledge. It's about getting it recognized. If people judge a book by its dollar amount than the world would be illiterate. Our goal is to raise money, yes. But if one is to not view and read the description and watch the teaser video than they surely werent interested in our projext to begin with. But hey, thanks for the reply!

Re: Trinity: Ground Zero

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:22 pm
by sbriggman
"if one is to not view and read the description and watch the teaser video than they surely werent interested in our projext to begin with"

I'm not sure if that's the right assumption to make, but good luck! Keep us up to date on your progress.