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Help to fing a project

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 11:08 am
by danvales82
Hi everyone,
I'm struggling searching a (probably) fully funded project on Kickstarter.
The product is a developing board capable to play basic sounds, to lights up led and with other simple forms of interaction.

The board is given with a particular king of sticking fluid (like a black glue).
The glue allows you, for instance, to draw a switch on a wall. Once the switch is drawn, it can be wired with the same glue to the board that lights up a led (or plays a sound) when the switch is pushed.

Do you have any ideas about the name of the project?

Thanks a lot!

Re: Help to fing a project

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 8:28 am
by danvales82
The project is this one: ... ost_funded


Re: Help to fing a project

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2014 5:24 pm
by SmartStartPatrick
Have you used the Bare conductive paint before? I tried a tube I found at Radioshack and it works, but it has a Really high resistance. Just means if you're using it over a long distance, or only sending a small current across it, it wasn't as conductive as I thought it would be. :-/ Still, a good tool to have on the shelf when you need it ;)