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How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstarter?

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:16 pm
by Linor
I submitted my project to Kickstarter for guideline review on May 30 and haven't got anything back yet. Every minute is sooooooo long to wait. I read on KS that it usually takes 2-3 days to get approved or not. But now it has been my THIRD days and I am so anxious about my project. Can you guys share your reviewing timeline with me? My project is under hardware category. Here is my preview link and any comments are welcome: ... n=2ae9f612

Thank you.

Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 12:27 am
by Freeman-Velocity
Hey Linor,

They will get back to you. They say on average 2 to 3 business days, but if they have a lot of projects to review it will take a little longer.
Best of luck!

Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:05 pm
by Linor
Thank you very much Freeman-Velocity for your reply. I got approved on Tue. It took 4 business days to get the lovely approved letter.

Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 12:03 pm
by primoz

like as many of you we are experience the same problem. We submitted our project on 9/12/13 in Technology category. We received feedback from Kickstarter that on average it takes up to 7 business days to review a project. Now is 17 business days since we submitted our project for a review. And we did not receive any mail from Kickstarter since than?

Do you have any idea or suggestions what can we do do get any feedback from Kickstarter about our project?


Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 4:50 pm
by sbriggman
Hi Primoz- On this thread (autoaide-be-smart-when-driving-or-maintaining-your-car-t1023.html?hilit=thank%20you%20for%20sharing), c1ue reported that it took Kickstarter 3 weeks to approve their campaign.

From what I've heard, Kickstarter can be sporadic with their responses, but sometimes will reply to emails regarding delays in being approved.

Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2013 1:58 pm
by c1ue

I'd definitely check in with Kickstarter. While it did take me just about 3 weeks to get approved, I did receive feedback 7 days after first submission. It was just that it took 3 rounds for approval to be granted.

I think the issue was that the PR company had one idea for the submission, but Kickstarter wanted something more and different. I had to add a lot more about me and my team, how the product came to be, prototype shots, etc etc. whereas the original PR submission was much more a sales pitch.

Another issue that came up was that Kickstarter also now restricts the number of gifted items in return for donation. When I was first looking to list onto Kickstarter (and took the 2 weeks needed to set up an account), this was not there but was apparently added in the last 3 months: only 1 reward per donation.

Good luck!

Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:01 pm
by anigramit
It took us less than a day to get approved! Just follow the rules and you should be good.

Re: How long will my projec take to get approved by Kickstar

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:44 pm
by sbriggman
It seems like depending on the category in which you launch, the rewards you offer, and your actual product, the range is days to several weeks.