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We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvements?

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:04 am
by WayneY
Hey guys, we've just launched our campaign. Jogger Denim: Finally jeans as comfy as sweats. We've been spent time developing the product and the campaign and at the moment we're just executing the marketing plan.

I was wondering if you guys have any tips or thoughts on how we could improve the project in terms of content or presentation? We'd love to hear your thoughts.

Also often times only backers get a say in how the actual product turns out but I'd also like to hear your ideas or opinions on how we could improve the pants! :)

Thanks again for your time ! We really appreciate it. :)


Re: We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvement

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:53 pm
by hogeandco
Really cool product and at that goal, you should easily make it.

I did notice a lot of text, at least for me, as I scrolled through. I would at least make the feature headlines larger so they stand out more.

Also, some lower end rewards (less than $69) can help pull in more backers.

Great job though.

Re: We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvement

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:34 pm
by DanaME
Your product looks great! Photos are on point and the whole campaign feels very Trendy. I have to admit I didn't do much reading, I am pretty visual so the photos really sold it for me. I would have to agree with hogeandco about having a reward below the $69 mark. From the research I have done the sweet spot seems to be around the $50 mark.

Best of luck and great job :)

Re: We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvement

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:56 pm
by MikeTinisser
This looks absolutely amazing. Now I see why my campaign isn't doing that well. You product looks so professional that I already want a pair. Sweat pants I could get away with wearing on Jean Friday? Hell yes.

Re: We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvement

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:14 am
by WayneY
@hogeandco Hey guys, thanks for the great advice and feedback. I think that there is a lot of content in terms of the page, we tried our best to cut down on it. Also the headers is a great point, I think the more visible it is, the more manageable people it will be for backers.

@DanaME Hey Dana, I'm glad to know that you're enjoying the photos and presentation, that's awesome. We'll definitely try to figure out some kind of reward for the lower tier.

@MikeTinisser Hey Mike, Thanks for the kind words! We've tried our best to make something useful that people can really use :D

Re: We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvement

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 5:15 pm
by cwestclawhammer
First off, great page. As was stated above, it looks really professional, has plenty of pictures, and really puts forth your product in a positive light. As a fervent anti-sweat pants individual (just don't feel like I'm ready for the unknown in them) you really do help to sway me with your presentation. Do you remember the infomercial for Jeggings? They are/were jean legging/tight type deals. Your product is similar but far superior in style. It may not be a bad idea to look into their success/failures if you already haven't. I could see hordes of people wanting these for the holiday season. "Eat to much turkey but want to stay looking good- well I've got just what you need"

Re: We launched tonight! At 13% already.Possible improvement

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 10:50 pm
by KFH
I agree with the others there is alot of text to go through, its an amazing product! Great!