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My Kickstarter Project-Shadow Cuts

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 1:50 am
by Natasha_Smith
Hi everyone,

Thanks for the invite! My name is Natasha Smith, and I'm a previously published author and have recently decided to try script writing. For the past couple of months a group of friends and I have been filming and working on a movie trailer for a horror movie titled 'Shadow Cuts'. We are looking for funding to buy better equipment and make a full length feature film. Admittedly it is our first movie project, but we're hoping for a chance to grow and produce something amazing. And, yes, this is my first Kickstarter as well :)

Please have a look if you have time. Any feedback/critique is always appreciated.

Image ... s?ref=city

Thank you so much!

Re: My Kickstarter Project-Shadow Cuts

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:52 am
by ConnectionDeck
Looks like a cool project. Hopefully like your protagonist, every time you use your Kickstarter powers, your funding and supporters will grow stronger!

Re: My Kickstarter Project-Shadow Cuts

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2014 5:57 am
by Curionic
thats awesome! I'm going to check it out now :)

Re: My Kickstarter Project-Shadow Cuts

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2014 2:50 am
by FlameRidge
The acting in the trailer is rather shabby, in my opinion. But I couldn't do any better, I think! I like the name, and I hope it works out!

Re: My Kickstarter Project-Shadow Cuts

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2014 7:07 am
by Dyl1299
Looks pretty good, although I do agree the acting is a little off on some parts of the trailer but I'm sure that's something that will improve as the production gets further in. Maybe add more information on the page as well, the storyline description seems very short and vague, unless that's what you were aiming for (you probably know more about film production than me)

Other than that I can see the project turning out well, keep at it and good luck!