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## kickstart project creator wanted ##

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 4:51 pm
by beachgames

is someone interested in creating a kickstart project for me, with me?
Maby I get kicked by kickstarter :) , but I am searching for a person, who likes to create a project, cause the restriction of countries at kickstart.

So, kickstart is offering a good place to advertise the idea:

I am mining bitcoins. Exactly altcoins, scryptcoins....stuff like this.

For the, for the moment I am using 30 Mhs and by the end of 2014, energy costs are higher than my profit. So, I am on the edge to invest or to TURN OFF@! my mining rig.
Maby I wast my time here with kickstart and here is not the right place, anyway I am also programmer and like to do something with java, neural nets, n this little super ultra watches with pulse meter and bluetooth :D

So I also need a project creator, or coCreator for this....

If someone get the glue: here are more details about the mining:
Investment for beginning : 500 US Dollars
Timeframe: Delivery date of the new hardware: End of 2014
Should become profitable a few months later.
Profit vs payback:
Yes pending on how to pay back to the investors, How much % they get .... from us.
I thought about 20 % of investment volume, and nothing more.
Or, 1,2,5 % for a year of all profit. or 0.1 % till power cost are too high?


The chart show with now arranties the development of mining LTC, socalled LiTeCoins.
This would become a shortime project, cause of dropping rates. I started with 4 USDollars a day and now I am mining around with 3 USDollars.

Let me know


Re: ## kickstart project creator wanted ##

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:08 am
by MitchTripguy
thank you so much

Re: ## kickstart project creator wanted ##

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:09 am
by beachgames

Re: ## kickstart project creator wanted ##

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 1:57 am
by tristannyc
I'm confused you want someone to kickstart you to make more money?

Re: ## kickstart project creator wanted ##

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 6:43 am
by johnnie smith
not sure if it's a hoax or spam or whatever - in either case, KS requires that backers shall get an actual product (not a service or 'kickback')