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Hi there! Comic artist saying hello

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:07 pm
by acatris
Hi there,

My name is Anastasia Catris and I just launched my first Kickstarter project today :) It's only been 6 hours and already it's 50% funded, which I never could have anticipated. I have been planning this project for a while and am so lucky to know so many supportive people, but it's all still a little bit overwhelming. You can see the project here ... volume-one

I've been on KS since 2011 and love funding other arts, video games and comic projects. I'm a full time illustrator and have been since 2010 when my first freelance book came out but this is the first project that is entirely mine :) You can find out more about me at

Nice to meet you all! And good luck to you all if you have any projects on the go :D xx

Re: Hi there! Comic artist saying hello

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:59 pm
by sbriggman
Congrats on hitting your goal! Still a lot of time left to attract more backers. Wow you've been on Kickstarter a while. How do you think it's changed over time?