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Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2014 7:50 pm
by KyleKidd
Despite my best efforts, I'm having trouble finding people to back my project. I've done a lot to try and raise awareness on Twitter and Facebook, but I just cant seem to get any momentum.

I'm looking for any suggestions from the community. What can I do to make this project more appealing to others? ... -generator

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:11 am
by Lite001
I would recommend calling close family/friends asking them to back the project to get the ball rolling. Also, send an email to anyone you've backed before to let them know about your project.

You need to put yourself out there and not be afraid to put yourself out there and explain to anyone what you are doing and why you are doing it and mainly what they can get out of it.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:19 pm
by Charles
KyleKidd wrote:Despite my best efforts, I'm having trouble finding people to back my project. I've done a lot to try and raise awareness on Twitter and Facebook, but I just cant seem to get any momentum.

I'm looking for any suggestions from the community. What can I do to make this project more appealing to others? ... -generator

Well, in light of the fact that your project page on Kickstarter lists your project as having a mere five shares, if I try to be scientific about it, then that number doesn't strike me as supporting your proposition of, "Despite my best efforts..."

Your best efforts aside, have you considered that your project page looks like an exercise in amateurism writ large? Your presentation is a failure, visually. Ignore the text portions of your project page, and concentrate only on the visuals. You've taken a bone dry approach to visually presenting a project that pertains to water.

How many visual elements are present on your project page? Kickstarter is a visually-oriented medium of communication. So, you went with a text-heavy approach, instead. If you're a scientist, then do the visual math.


Nothing in equals nothing out.

No matter how you look at it, nor from what angle that you approach it, your project page isn't very visually interesting.

You created a project video, and it starts off well enough, with you in what you describe as your laboratory. Take the following image from that video, for example:


Rather than a tour of your lab, though, you then go off-camera, and resort to audio and simple drawings. The device on the right side of that image, you made no attempt to explain - nor even to comment on it. It's a visual prop. It looks interesting. The eye is immediately drawn to it - yet, you then do nothing with it. Nice way to lose the viewer's attention (and their interest, as well).

To transition from interesting to boring, like that, is counter-productive. If you have a homemade lab, then you should utilize that to your project's advantage. Your project's "story" isn't simply your project, itself. It also includes you, and by extension, your laboratory.

Break up the big text masses on your project page with images. Transform your project page into something that is interesting to look at. Put some photos of yourself conducting experiments up on the project page.

Your project page's current visual presentation simply doesn't compute.

Your project image is not up to the visual task, at hand:


If that's the best that you can do, visually, then your project will go unfunded.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:10 pm
by KyleKidd
I appreciate your brutal honesty; and I think your right. I was so focused on what I wanted to convey, that I didn't take into account what people might be interested to hear. My page reflects that, being very bland and not interesting. I think I need to redo everything, even though it may be too late to save the project.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 1:56 am
by jdbelsterling
I would just echo personal favors. Ask the people closest to you to give to YOU, not to your campaign. Obviously it's going towards your campaign, but ask them to support/back you.

I understand this may be uncomfortable, but if you really believe in what you're doing, you need to be willing to ask.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 6:46 pm
by prismland1
I'd like to echo some of the above responses. A common mistake with crowdfunding is to believe that "if you build it, they will come". They won't. No one cares about you if they've never heard of you.

Our project has attracted 60 backers in less than 3 days...more than 90% are close family/friends. The strangers only come later.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 12:33 pm
by Charles
KyleKidd wrote:I appreciate your brutal honesty; and I think your right. I was so focused on what I wanted to convey, that I didn't take into account what people might be interested to hear. My page reflects that, being very bland and not interesting. I think I need to redo everything, even though it may be too late to save the project.

You don't seem to be making much progress on re-doing everything.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2014 6:41 pm
by KyleKidd
I've had a nasty flu the past few days. I'll be working on it throughout this week.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 10:45 pm
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
I agree with many of the things Charles wrote, although I think this forum should be a place of support and not just a hollow ra-ra zone, I do feel his post was a wee but harsh.

But perhaps the tone would allow you to hear some very valid points, it is up to you on what you take away from anyone who critiques your work for the rest of your life.

I want you to do a little research online on how the ancient, reptilian brain views the world. Also, on how this reptilian brain controls just about every decision we make.

This portion of the brain is very visual. It cares about itself, not you and it needs contrast. You know those people who hold signs up and ask for help on the side of the road? Everything from humor (why lie, I need a beer) to long explanations of hardship are written on cardboard with hope that someone passing by will help out. In order to connect with people, the person should write:

"What if You were hungry?"

I suggest redesigning your page, follow the advice of Charles and make it visually appealing. But you need to let your backers know what your product will do for them.

The old brain loves Before/After. Maybe display a picture of an industrial wasteland and then a bucolic village or meadow.

If your process works, you will be part of the Green movement. Let them know how their world will benefit from backing you.

Re: Having trouble getting Backers/Followers

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2014 3:01 am
by sunsj
I think the key issue is, the introduction is too short and not attrative enough.