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Hey! How's it going

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 2:33 am
by shopmonties
So I am just dead-curious as to how many people came to this forum by google versus how many by referral?

Re: Hey! How's it going

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:34 am
by Charles
I'm pretty sure that I found this place via Google. I didn't know that i was going to end up living here, though.

Re: Hey! How's it going

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:38 am
by shopmonties
Charles wrote:I'm pretty sure that I found this place via Google. I didn't know that i was going to end up living here, though.

Haha! I am just getting hooked myself! I personally haven't been to many forums but this one is definitely one of the most enjoyable I have been.

Re: Hey! How's it going

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 11:54 am
by SoftTempest
Google, what else is new? Like Charles I came, I.saw, I'm conquered! ... fairy-tale

Re: Hey! How's it going

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:37 pm
by sbriggman
About 50% of traffic comes from organic search thanks to amazing creators like yourselves asking questions, sharing tips, and pointing people to useful resources. Hopefully over the years, we'll be able to dispel most of the mysteries about running a Kickstarter campaign and also continue to grow in influence so we can promote the deserving ones!

I love helping creators and have backed a lot of campaigns from creators I've met on this forum. I've also started new projects as a result of meeting people on this forum!

I'm always open to hearing suggestions on ways to improve the forum and make it a better place for yall in this section: forum-related-discussion-news-f10.html

Re: Hey! How's it going

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2014 7:47 pm
by onthewaterlifestyle
I found it by - you guessed it - Google Search.