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Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 10:57 pm
by DowneyBrewingCo

We're looking for the best forum to promote our kickstarter campaign. We are Downey Brewing Company, and we've made a pretty funny parody for our campaign video. Have a look - ... ng-company

Thanks and Cheers,
Downey Brewing Company

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:07 am
by diynf
Hey Downey Brewing,
I think Twitter has been really good with regards to promoting as well as forums such as this one. There are a lot of forums and groups etc out there for crowdfunding but they tend to be repetitive. I like Twitter because you can get people from different backgrounds. For example with our project on natural food, we have followers that make cheese, naturalists, vegans, etc. So the following varies a bit with Twitter and I find it the most helpful. Just keep marketing and networking. Also check out the free press release through CrowdCrux. Hope this helps!

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 3:35 pm
by Ivan_Gnidko
Reddit is really cool. Find their kickstarter subreddit. Also you can try Hacker News. Have you tried ;)

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:44 pm
by Sam
I will definitely use Twitter for my campaign

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 7:57 pm
by Ivan_Gnidko
Twitter works really good only if you have a lot of followers. It's useless if you have 100 passive followers who is following everyone.

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:52 am
by diynf
Ivan_Gnidko wrote:Twitter works really good only if you have a lot of followers. It's useless if you have 100 passive followers who is following everyone.

Hi Ivan,
That is a good point. You do have to be careful with Twitter because you will come across some people that follow just to follow. Which isn´t necessarily a problem but with regards to backing, I´m not sure if potential backers look at the kind of followers a creator has. I know I do.

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:32 pm
by Scar
I am jumping on board with this question. My project started today and with many others I am in a race against time.
This seems like one of many but the question is, What are the best sites for promotion. I would also like to add, do the site that you pay for promotion actually work? My project is Santa's Last Secret and located at ... ast-secret

Thanks in advance...

Oh, the free retweet seems like a great service. I would love to get my campaign tweeted and retweeted for 29 days anyway.. LOL

Re: Best Forum To Indroduce a Kickstarter Campaign

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:59 pm
by Ivan_Gnidko
Totally agree with you. My startup was published at erlibird. There were 144 retwits in one day about it from erlibird's official account. And it gave me 0 vizits to my site :) just because these RT were from people as you were saying 'that follow just to follow'.