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Introducing myself and my project

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:17 pm
by VirginiaMcClain
Hey folks,

My name is Virginia McClain. I'm an author and I'm currently running a Kickstarter campaign in order to independently publish my debut novel Blade's Edge

To find out more about me you can check out my blog

The Blade's Edge kickstarter is going well so far, we've been up for two days and we're already 24% funded. I'm hopeful that that's a good sign. We were also made a kickstarter staff pick!

I have two questions about being a staff pick: 1. How much does that actually do for your project? 2. Does anyone know how we get the green badge that goes with that?

Also, we're in the early days still (today is day three), so if anyone has any suggestions about how to improve the page please let me know. Thanks!


Re: Introducing myself and my project

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:21 pm
by stellandsnuggs
Good afternoon,
My name is Christel Rice-Astin and today started we began first campaign to fund our recording on Kickstarter. We are the duo group, Stell and Snuggs, performing acoustic instrumental Brazilian street music, Colombian Cumbia, Cajun, and retro pop songs on the accordion, flute, and ukulele (which happens to fit on our boat, whew.) We were based in NYC until Hurricane Sandy took our home and belongings. 8 months later, we moved aboard our "touring" vessel, S/V Catherine. We did not have time to record our debut album in such a short time, although 100 shows later, 6,000 nautical miles later, we successfully completed our first music Caribbean tour. We are now looking for support for this awaited project!
Christel Rice-Astin

Re: Introducing myself and my project

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:27 pm
by VirginiaMcClain
Do you have a link to the campaign?


Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:49 pm
by motdcosmetics
Hi There! Throughout the last few years I have dedicated a ton of time and effort into this project and I am thrilled that it is coming together smoothly! I have devoted my life to the beauty industry as a makeup artist for ten years and after reaching that milestone I needed change, growth, and development in the business field. I enrolled myself back in school a little over 2 years ago and will be graduating this October with a B.S. in Business Marketing. This idea was inspired by an assignment I had to complete for a course I had. My classmates and I had to develop a new product or business and present it infront of our class. The feedback that I received from my female classmates was extremely positive, which validated my idea even more, and motivated me to turn a university assignment into life! =)

Check out the project. These are makeup brushes that will incorporate a clever unique description in accordance to their function on the brush handle

Here's the link

Re: Introducing myself and my project

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 1:29 am
by RR_Deol
Hi Virginia,

Great project - keep doing what your doing!

What's the criteria to be a Kickstarter staff pick?

Best of luck,
