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How should we classify our project reboot

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:59 am
by ToyRocketStudios
Hey everyone,

We were unsuccessful with our first Kickstarter campaign (initially classified under design) Since then we have taken multiple steps to revamp everything:

We are focusing on 1 book instead of 2 (a cross between the original 2)
We have saved and raised most of the production cost ourselves to lower our needed goal.
We have revamped the artwork and wording of our campaign- added pictures as well as tiers (we felt the tiers were confusing).

Our product is titled: SNO. It is a spiral bound craft book containing 16 unique die-cut patterns for paper snowflakes- we actually have a patent on the process, which has never been done before.

The big debate my partner and I are having is how to classify our project- design or publishing.
My partner feels that design would bring more exposure, but I feel people publishing would possibly be a better option.

Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Re: How should we classify our project reboot

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2014 9:55 pm
by Wulfconn
Have you tried making a poll on the forum or on Facebook to get a larger opinion?

Re: How should we classify our project reboot

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:19 am
by Charles
ToyRocketStudios wrote:Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Your project had a HUGE dead zone. Most days were zero pledge days.

Yet, your project video is pretty good. It's very informative, in fact. Not exciting, but informative.

Your project page, however, is a visual eyesore. It's all of that blue that is causing it. You used visual dividers, which is good, but they are woefully ineffective. As is, you should call it Blue Annoyance, as it distracts visually from your snow concept.

You substituted the great shot of that room with all of your cut out snowflakes, which is fairly stunning, visually speaking, for a bunch of diagrams of snowflakes.

Instead of this:


You gave them this:


Your project's Kicktraq link tells a sad story: ... aft-books/

Only 28 shares. How successful did you expect to be, with so little sharing going on?

Your project page looked like crap, it was a visual eyesore of the first magnitude, so it is no real surprise that people didn't bother sharing it. They didn't want to bore people with those Sad Sack visuals, nor that eye-hurting blue imagery.

You could do a crowd funding project for the dies, and another for the actual printing. That would enable you to get your funding goal down, considerably, in order to make it more readily achievable.

But, the big deficiency is with your project page, itself. Kickstarter can easily handle a fourteen thousand dollar project. Your project page, as it was, was what was not up to the task.

You ran this project in May and June. Run it closer to Christmas, in November or December. Your project page didn't have a single human being's picture don it. Thus, socially speaking, it was visually dead. Dead man walking!

It's a great little project. It has lots of potential. You guys simply squandered it. Revise your project page, take some pictures, and relaunch it.

Re: How should we classify our project reboot

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:22 am
by Charles
By the way, what was the deal on the one huge pledge that your project had? It was over three thousand dollars in size. That's a rather large aberration.


Yet, there were no new backers on that same day:


Or, am I looking at the data wrong?