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Kickstarter Projects that Plagiarize....

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:33 pm
by RWP
I have seen many projects on Kickstarter that reach the goal they need. I've also seen projects that are cooler than others ;) I have also seen projects that have all sorts of different rewards for backing them! These rewards range from t-shirts to the product itself. Some of the projects have "limited edition" versions that you can get. It's really cool until you start basing your product on things that are copyrighted. I've seen quite a few projects that get successfully funded, yet they use copyrighted material to help get a boost in promoting their project. I've seen one person replicate a mask off a very popular video game (Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask). I've seen one person create stuffed toys and one of these toys was an Iron Man version of the original toy. So what do you think? Is this okay or should Kickstarter do something about this? Or am I completely wrong and this isn't even considered plagiarism?!

Re: Kickstarter Projects that Plagiarize....

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 3:43 am
by dylanmad
Hmm. You'd think Majora's Mask would be trademarked, yes, but I wonder if the companies think they have bigger fish to fry, or expect them to be limited-run products that only increase the legacy of their product culture? I have no idea.

Re: Kickstarter Projects that Plagiarize....

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 4:33 pm
by RWP
Yeah honestly I have no idea if they are trademarked or not! I would assume that Majora's Mask would be, but I see all sorts of Legend of Zelda things being sold on eBay, Etsy, and Amazon that are not being sold by Nintendo. If all it takes is to throw some Nintendo things on merchandise I guess you could make quite a bit of money if you do it right.

Re: Kickstarter Projects that Plagiarize....

Posted: Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:02 pm
by cowprintkelly
It's not actually plagiarism - it's more likely copyright infringement - and many companies take it VERY seriously.

I have yet to see this so blatantly on Kickstarter, but that may be because of where my interests are. I would never back a project that was using copyrighted or trademarked materials to promote their funding, but I'm not sure what Kickstarter's interest in this sort of thing are. (It is also possible, I guess, that these folks got the necessary permissions.)