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Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 11:21 pm
by FrostyO
Hey all,
this is my second kickstarter, and this time around, I decided to steer away from the more 'pitch' video that spends some of its time explaining what kickstarter is and how it works, and just did more or less a movie trailer-ish video. I realize there are pros and cons to all approaches, and most people have liked the video I put together, but a few have said they wanted to see me and hear my plea (lol).
Just wonder what the consensus is for this in regards to narrative works -- projects that are about a story (film, novels, comics etc...) ... ght-book-1
Re: Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:20 am
by Nathan Graham Davis
This looks great, both concept and design of your campaign. We're about mid-way through our campaign for our graphic novel, and I feel like I could probably learn a thing or two from the way you did yours. Would definitely appreciate any advice... ... phic-novel
Re: Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 12:39 pm
by themalachi
I have to say I'm impressed. It manages to be both evocative visually while giving us an idea of the story without giving away too much. I can see where the others came from with their thinking you might want to have a personal pitch but it honestly didn't bother me.
Re: Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 2:46 pm
by JBGarnerWrites
I think the video is certainly the right way to go, especially with a graphic novel. You have the nice visuals of the art along with a well-narrated plot synopsis. Well done!
I was very conflicted, with my own just started project (pure prose novels), as to whether I could even make a video that had any real purpose. Seeing that videos for prose projects wasn't universal, I'm trying to do it without a movie ... this may be a big mistake, we'll see.
Re: Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:49 am
by FrostyO
@Nathan - thanks- happy to talk shop with you. Looks like you're not doing too badly on your campaign. It's really tough to stand out and get everything right etc... it's a mixture of content and execution. One thought I had when I watched your video is that the (albeit) cute kids perhaps doesn't match the tone of the content? IDK, just a thought.
@themalachi - thank you for the compliment - that is what I was going for, but you never know.
@JB - the video is (by far) the most difficult and time consuming part of the KS page. The designs and copy is important too, but the video can really cut through the need for someone to read all that. True that many people never click on the video, and only a % of them watch he whole thing... but my guess is that nearly EVERY backer who parts with money watches at least some of the video. There's something to that.
Re: Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:30 pm
by JBGarnerWrites
Thanks for the insight. I just have no idea what to do for one, other than pretty much say what I say in the copy. Maybe that's all that's needed, though, to project a layer of humanity on it, you know? Show the passion of the creator behind the works?
Re: Fantasy Graphic Novel JUST LAUNCHED
Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2014 4:22 pm
by FrostyO
Sounds like a good idea to me. Just keep in mind who your target audience is with the imagery. I wasn't entirely clear who that was when I looked at your KS page.