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Feedback on Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:59 pm
by Eidographer
Hi folks,

I am looking for some constructive feedback for a KS campaign I just launched with friends. Our goal is a pretty lofty one admittedly but we feel strongly about getting the product right. We have spent the last year or so really working on building an audience for the film and they have proven to be very encouraging and supportive of the project, however we don't really see that level of enthusiasm being translated into pledges. Any insights into how these campaigns typically trend would be helpful. We are only 3 days in but I am concerned that we are behind the curve. Also, any feedback on the pitch and rewards would be very welcome.

What Moves You? is a feature-length documentary film that explores the inspiration and motivation that modern cultures associate with running and is told from the point-of-view of runners from all walks of life . Whilst there re some very good films about running out there, we believe this film is different. It will be the voice of the average runner - telling the story of what drives us and binds us together.

Kickstarter campaign:
Twitter: @wmyrunners

Thanks in advance for your insights,


Re: Feedback on Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:04 am
by legend_of_lotus
I really like all the graphics you've included. Perhaps pitching it to a crowd that you know is interested in athletics will be a help. We've launched a video game project; just today, we got cards printed that we can distribute at the appropriate stores, at Starbucks, and to people we run across. Let's see how that helps!

Re: Feedback on Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:26 pm
by Venux
The page looks great. It has a unique graphic style which is engaging for the eye. Looking at the rewards system, I think that not everyone wants to have their photo displayed which is why people skip out on the pledges.

We've also recently launched a project that is not receiving much engagement. Some of the most funded projects on Kickstarter are gadget based. Could be that more people on the site are interested in that.

Re: Feedback on Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:37 pm
by mboix
At this point, you might consider removing some of the rewards to make it simpler, less cluttered. You could start with some of the rewards that have seen no action now... It might help to make choice easier and increase chances of people hitting the button.

Re: Feedback on Kickstarter campaign

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2014 9:44 am
by Bojankacarski
I think if you had some comments that would push you up a little in the position of the website