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Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 11:57 pm
by risingoatgames
Hi everyone.

I am pretty new to the forum and stil making my way thru all the valuable information in here. I arrived here by googling information on Kickstarter PR specialised on games. Not that I have found one yet, but I hope to. :)

Anyway, I would like to use this first post as a big Hello to the forum users and to introduce my (our) Kickstarter project to all of you in order to receive some feedback that allows us to make all the necessary corrections / improvements before the project ends.

Our project is a videogame for PC Windows, Mac, Linux, Wii U and OUYA. A graphic adventure by the name of A Rite from the Stars. This is the link to the campaign at Kickstarter: ... -adventure

Any feedback is welcome. Cross promotions are welcome too. Thanks in advance.

And, by the way, any advice on a proper PR is also welcome. ;)


Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:23 pm
by KickStartAdvice
Hi! Nice to meet you! Game project page looks pretty solid, so nice work!

Be sure to keep reaching out to related interest groups online, but in a politeful and respectable manner. Tell the story behind your project, focus in on what your project has to offer people besides "We have a game!" and bring an interest angle when posting it online. Have you posted it on Reddit or connected with any FB group admins yet?

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 4:42 pm
by risingoatgames

Yes, we are working on FB groups with good success so far. Reddit is on our list, just as 4chan.

Thanks for the advice!

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 9:22 pm
by Valiterra0014
Hi David,
Congrats on your KS campaign. It looks like you're doing a lot of things right already with your campaign and have learned a lot of tips :)
Good luck

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:39 am
by risingoatgames
Thank you, Valiterra. Truth is we have been working for some time on the project.

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 1:21 pm
by JayRM
hey risingoatgames... the game looks great so far! The content and website look great as well. I would keep promoting throughout the whole campaign. On Facebook, it's cheap and easy to do. Also I took a glance at your kickstarter updates. I would not be promoting other games on kickstarter as you are basically diverting attention away from yourselves. Just focus on your game. Good luck!

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 4:51 pm
by risingoatgames
Hi, Jay! Thanks for your nice feedback. As for cross promoting other project in the updates, I understand that, even though they might divert some attention, they have proven to be very useful.

Thanks again!

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:26 pm
by JayRM
oh that's interesting. I just checked your campaign, as well as a campaign you were promoting. I wasn't aware that gaming companies on kickstarter promote similar projects. Personally, I'm not an avid gamer, but when I play a game, I commit to that game while ignoring others. So as a potential backer, I would pick only one game that really strikes me, ignoring the rest.

Can you elaborate on how this has been very useful?

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:38 pm
by risingoatgames
Usually, gamers play a lot of games and are fans of many genres. This means that, the more similar a game is, the more chances the backer will like and back your project. Cross promoting other projects gives you more visibility which equals more backers. It is something that notice when you are cross promoted by other project. The more backers, the better, obviously.

Re: Feedback wanted for a video game project

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:53 pm
by JayRM
yeah i understand that. what i was wondering was if it's measurable. (ie how much would you have raised while promoting other games versus how much would you have raised without promoting others games). Is there a noticeable jump in backers when your game is promoted on another campaign?

i used to play a lot of games, and i still would if i was in the industry, but i ultimately decided it was a waste of time. i only make exceptions to playing games if there is a social element and/or it's extremely fun and challenging, or there's some educational aspect to it.