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Meetbowls, who are you having dinner with tonight ?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 4:24 pm
by Meetbowls
Dear Kickstarter forum,

We are trying to introduce a new concept in the world of meeting in the United States.

The concept is very simple, 3 men and 3 women reunited for one dinner :)

It can be used for dating, networking, friendship, the possibilities are endless.

For a more accurate description about everything , here is the link of our Kickstarter project: ... /meetbowls

We put a lot of faith in this project and we hope to be able to ' change the rules '

We believe it is time to think outside the box :D

With our best

Matthieu and Vanessa

Re: Meetbowls, who are you having dinner with tonight ?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:25 pm
by sbriggman
Some constructive feedback:

- Would create a video
- Would be more detailed with where the funds are going.

"The project already started but our lack of money affected not only the quality of our website but also the marketing side when it's one of the most important part during the start of small businesses."

I think you guys have a nice website. What kind of marketing have you been doing?

- Really need to brainstorm some more interesting rewards.

Re: Meetbowls, who are you having dinner with tonight ?

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:25 pm
by Meetbowls
Thanks for your answer ! :)

We have been doing Facebook Marketing, did some e-mail blasts and distributed flyers but I guess way not enough.....

And this because of the budget.

The website home page looks good yes but thats the restaurant part which is more complicated and messy.

The funds we thought it was clear that it would be to create a new website and to get an app.

How could we make this clearer ?

And about the rewards....well we have been brainstorming but when you the lack of money is present, it reduces a lot the possibilities unfortunately.


Re: Meetbowls, who are you having dinner with tonight ?

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:46 pm
by sbriggman
Regarding your comment on rewards, the funds that you collect should be used to finance the rewards, meaning a higher costing reward = higher pledge tier.

Re: Meetbowls, who are you having dinner with tonight ?

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 5:15 pm
by jakegoforth
Maybe you should make a video for the page.