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Transient: A Film about an Undocumented Immigrant

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 5:49 am
by illegalinvisible
Transient tells the story of Franky DeLuna, an undocumented immigrant that was brought to the US illegally from Mexico when he was a little boy. Franky dreams of being a product designer but is forced to not exist in the country that he calls home. After being deported for contacting the police in order to prevent the rape of one of his coworkers, Franky reunites with his father in Mexico and tries to make a new home in this foreign country that he is technically from. But facing the life-threatening corruption of the cartels which killed his grandfather and forced his mother to bring him to the US years ago, Franky must decide if his home is a country that he doesn't know or a country that doesn't want him. A new take on borders and the American Dream.

Help us make this film a reality! It is a project that means a lot to our team. With Deferred Action coming up for renewal and an increase in violence across the border, now is the time to tell it.

Thank you!!

Re: Transient: A Film about an Undocumented Immigrant

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:07 pm
by sbriggman
Hope you guys are successful! Looks like you are trending upwards towards your goal based on Kicktraq data. Let me know if you have any questions about Kickstarter I can help answer.