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Hello! My name is Ken Pitney, the Creator of My Liberty Gear

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:33 pm
by mylibertygear
Hey everyone!

I am so happy to have the opportunity to introduce myself to all you great people. :) My name is Ken Pitney, the creator of My Liberty Gear, shirts that enable the ultimate form of expression by promoting freedom. Hobbies include: meeting new people, promoting freedom, designing, graphic art, and being the best father I can be. Favorite food?... umm... LIBERTY ;)

My kickstarter campaign is up and running right now also at Please take a look, pledge, and/or share with others. I would be forever thankful. Freedom is a responsibility. We all have a duty to protect it.

Re: Hello! My name is Ken Pitney, the Creator of My Liberty

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:47 pm
Nice patriotic tees. Where else have you shared your project if you dont mind me asking?

Re: Hello! My name is Ken Pitney, the Creator of My Liberty

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 7:24 pm
by Fulfillrite

Congrats on reaching your successful funding!

The T-shirt Designs look really cool, your doing an awesome job...

Good Luck,