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Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 2:23 pm
by skingoodsco
Hello world!
And greetings to all you Kickstarters.

We have just launched our new Kickstarter at
We have really spent a lot of time this past year to bring this project to see the light of day.

We offer premium quality leather goods at prices that make buying them worth it.
Our bags are comparable to brands such as Filson, Wall+Water, Gurkha etc, at a fraction of their prices.
Going whole hog on the disruptive mechanism. :)

We are grateful for being a part of this great community.
Especially thankful to sbriggman for his supreme efforts in maintaining this site with such a fantastic collection of resources.

We look forward to seeing all of you on our Kickstarter page.
And to learn a lot from all of you.

Founder, Skin Goods Co.

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 5:09 pm
by sbriggman
Hey Ro - Thanks for the shout out ;)

I've had a few leather projects on the forum before and creators seemed to benefit from doing cross promotion. It's not the exact same niche, but some of the tips from this interview might help: ... ckstarter/

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:04 am
by skingoodsco
Hey Sal,

Thanks for the tip!
Read the interview. Quite informative.
Still figuring out how do I approach someone for the cross promotion? Any ideas?

Thanks again!

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 3:08 pm
by sbriggman
Well, we were doing one on the forum a while back like "If you pledge $1 to my campaign and share it on fb/twitter, I will pledge $1 to yours and share it on fb/twitter" Could start that again.

You could also just contact them via kickstarter or pm someone on here.

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2014 11:37 pm
by skingoodsco
I am up for the $1 cross promotion.
Though our campaign is at 30% funding, of which more than 60% has come from backers from Kickstarter, activity has become low these last 2 days.
If there could some buzz created and some activity around the campaign, it would serve us well. And I think, generating some backers is the key.
For us it's not about making a profit. We really do want our campaign to succeed so we can offer our products at realistic prices.
DO start the $1 promotion again. We would love to sign up, and at the same time offer others a better chance at success too :)

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:05 pm
by sbriggman
Okay. I need someone to start the thread though. P.S. Happy to share your project on our kforum FB if you support our thunderclap :) here: ... rs-succeed

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:14 pm
by skingoodsco
I have already supported the Thunderclap :)
Okay, I guess i'll start the thread with the title 'Crosspromote your Kickstarter'
Looking for some rallying up there!

Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 5:18 pm
by sbriggman
Shared you guys on the Kickstarterforum fb.


Re: Skin Goods Co. - Premium Leather Goods / Vintage Prices

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 6:49 pm
by skingoodsco
Thanks a ton Sal!
I've tweeted out the thunderclap again :)

If you have any other advice for us do share or PM me. Thanks again!