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Event Horizon: Fleet Battles, miniatures space game

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:53 am
by Shinlocke
Kickstarter Link



With Event Horizon I wanted to create and capture the richness and depth of an expansive universe like Star Wars or Star Trek. I wanted bring the aspects of board gaming, and strategic miniatures together. I also wanted it to be fun as well as intuitive, to help bridge the gap between wargames and board games by providing a good intro for someone wanting to get into miniatures gaming. That not only involved doing a lot of research on cultures to develop the storyline and history, but also trying to realistically come up with an evolution of how the human race would change 3000 years from now. Then marry that story with a miniatures game that captured those feelings.


Story and Background
Event Horizon: Fleet Battles is a miniatures space combat wargame set in the year 5318. It has been over 3000 years since Terra and the Sol system completely vanished without a trace, leaving humanity stranded in the Mobius system without a home. Before it disappeared, Terra wasn't much to look at due to years of pollution, caused by the decimation the Psionic Emergence left behind. Most of the privileged had already started to colonize Mars or expand to the Mobius system, but it didn't change the fact that Terra would always be 'home'.

No longer bound by one planet, humanity spread out amongst the stars to create multiple empires. Without having a home planet, the history of Terra slowly faded away, and it wasn't until long before the one common bond everyone shared started to vanish. Despite having access to the vast expanse of space and knowing the devastation of war, humanity had not learned its lesson. It just meant more planets to conquer or destroy. it would only be a matter of time before empires would start to clash with one another.

Humanity had been easy to define because everyone was still 'human'. Even the psionics who emerged were human. But as some replaced their organs with cybernetics, or gene-spliced themselves with traits of another life-form, the definition of what it meant to be human began to blur. Under the name of survival, expansion, and even evolution, humanity went through changes depending on which empire they belonged too. Soon there were thousands of new colonies, all with their own ideals and beliefs. Some of the empires could no longer even be recognized as human, at least by visual appearances.







Re: Event Horizon: Fleet Battles, miniatures space game

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 10:41 pm
by sbrno
I am loving the designs of those ships :) So this will be primarily space battles? Any on-ground or on-ship gameplay?

Re: Event Horizon: Fleet Battles, miniatures space game

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:50 am
by InfiniteHorizonsUly
Love the miniature ships! I am a huge space opera fan (would love to live in "the Culture" universe) and would love owning the game pieces just as little works of art.

Also enjoy the back story and world building. Great work! Consider me a fan. Your post brought me out is the retail hell I am livinf right now. Had to log in and post!

Re: Event Horizon: Fleet Battles, miniatures space game

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:43 pm
by sbriggman
@shin - Cool project!

Re: Event Horizon: Fleet Battles, miniatures space game

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:28 am
by WawawiwaGames
Wow, love miniatures and space games, good luck with this project!