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Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:03 pm
by EsDonatas
Hey! I am a recent graduate in Economics at the University. After spending last sumer in Klaipeda, I met some friends on campus and we decided to develop a stationery business. This is how we created the Esquoia notebook.
    - It is reusable, aiming to reduce the paper waste. You can write, make-notes, sketch and then wipe off unneccessary parts.
      - Beautiful cover design and the new feel of writing encourages creativity.
        - Original binding system allows to reallocate pages fast.
          At the current stage we are trying crowdfunding on Kickstarter. Early Bird backers can get the Notebook by pledging a smaller amount. But only 61 left! Please have a look at our video and Kickstarter campaign here: Hope you like it while we would love to receive some feedback or support!

          Re: Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

          Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:20 pm
          by therriaultk
          Very cool product. I like your Kickstarter page, and it looks like you're doing pretty well! How's your campaign going so far?

          Re: Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

          Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 7:50 pm
          by EsDonatas
          therriaultk wrote:Very cool product. I like your Kickstarter page, and it looks like you're doing pretty well! How's your campaign going so far?

          Hi therriaultk, thanks for a quick reply. Its the third day of our campaign and we have already raised more than half of our goal. We are looking for ways to promote it on our own. A press release would help us.

          Re: Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

          Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 2:20 pm
          by CustomFlow313
          What a great idea! Was just thinking about all the paper waste with all the notebooks bought everyday. Way to go love it =]

          Re: Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

          Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 2:28 pm
          by EsDonatas
          Hey CustomFlow313, thanks for a positive reply. The notebook is created with the care for the environment in mind! We hope that this idea will help to reduce the paper waste.

          Re: Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

          Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 3:17 pm
          by sbriggman
          Happy to see you are almost at your goal! Keep it up!

          Re: Next-Generation Notebook Start-up

          Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2014 5:28 am
          by filtyting
          Very cool project!