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CG Animated Horror Series

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 11:21 pm
by lew82
Hi all,

So this is my project to add to the mix. Demons in small-town USA, instead of the Winchester Brothers or a Ghost Squad, it's the local Police Department and a Crime Family.

This is my third attempt to raise money for the series, and yes the first two times failed haha, I am researching the crap out of crowdfunding this time around as I would very much like it to succeed. A lot of my heart and soul are here, but feel free to critique the hell outta me, I'm pretty thick skinned.

Aaaaand of course the link to the kickstarter project is here There's more vids of behind the scenes, my little pitch which after looking at the do's and don'ts of kickstarter probably breaks intergalactic law lol. And some of my past work.

Re: CG Animated Horror Series

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:49 am
by therriaultk
Looks like a promising project, I thought the preview I watched had a strong tone to it. In terms of your Kickstarter page I think that you have a lot of the important elements - you're in a video so backers can feel connected to you personally, introduced your team, show a preview of the product, explain the storyline, give cool incentives and explain where the funding will go (to name a few). I felt that some parts were too long and there was a lot of repetitive content, though.