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Virtuous: Celestial Wind (Cross genre science fiction)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 11:11 pm
by Albert0787
My name is Albert and I am here to promote a campaign for my book. I've been writing off and on for over a decade, and after a three years of being idle I decided I wanted to go back to what I loved doing. This time I want to go full throttle into becoming an author, and in July of 2012 I set forth to create a cross genre science fiction novel. As of now I'm nearing the final stages and chose to use kickstarter to get the word out and the resources to see it completed. The prologue is on the kickstarter page and the main site. My website hosts an eight chapter sample to those that take half a minute to register.

Please take some time to read over my campaign project. Ebooks are unlimited, however physical copies are limited. They are customized for contributors with extra content for the sequel.

My personal website:
My kickstarter page:

Re: Virtuous: Celestial Wind (Cross genre science fiction)

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:52 pm
by sbriggman
Would recommend asking more family/friends to pledge. In general, for publishing campaigns, I see about 50% coming from the individual's personal network and fanbase (especially if there is no video)