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I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 12:48 am
by ALRadeck
Really ecstatic about the first few days on my new artbook/ novel! ... ustrated-1

I'm an professional illustrator out of Roanoke, Virginia, finally put together my first hardcover book! Since illustrating a giant novel o' sorts would mean I'd put the book out in 10 years and it'd be 9.5 billion pages long, I'm going with the first 5 chapters, and I made sure to get the books at a good price. It's got 18 new illustrations that I haven't put out anywhere


The majority of the images are done, with more being created/ worked on by the day!


But since I'm not really in this to become the miser of my street, I've got the whole thing up for people to continue reading if they'd like. Which they have! I'm really happy with the response i've gotten back from folks who say they took a look at the first chapter and loved the writing. It helps reassure them to back the project if they'd like.

Thanks so much for taking a quick look at my stuff!


Andrea Radeck

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:18 pm
by therriaultk
Hi Andrea,

I love your open source approach to this project, and think that the pins are cute incentives. The story seems interesting (I like the commercial exorcist concept) and I'd definitely like to give it a read some time. Congratulations on your progress so far and good luck for the rest of your campaign!

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:29 am
by Mriv2011
That is really good news!

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 9:49 am
by strydum
congrats book looks epic

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 4:47 am
by ALRadeck
@Therriaultk Thanks so much! I was sorta worried about hosting the entire book online for free while asking for hardcover copies at a cost, but it's proven to be a great asset- I've gained a lot of new readers through this regardless, and a lot of pledges of people who now want a copy because they genuinely enjoy the books.

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:00 pm
by sbriggman
Congrats on raising upwards of 9k so far!!! That's awesome. Do you have any tips to pass on to other creators?

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 9:01 pm
by sbriggman
Also - just gave you the Kickstarter success badge :D :D

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 6:18 am
by ALRadeck
Awww man, i'm gonna rock the HELL out of this badge :D

Tips? I researched and found that there tends to be a big initial rush and a big push at the end, but that the middle tends to be a classic slump - I tried to do the most of my advertising for the middle slump to help push me through. Also keep upbeat and positive about everything, even if you're an utter wreck. Spin things in a positive light, and don't ever post those "Oh my god I'm freaking out please give me money :[ !" threads. You have to appear confident and optimistic, even if you are not.

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 6:42 pm
by rabbleboy
Congratulations on getting funded. Looks like a great project!

Re: I hit 2K in a few days on my Dinosaur Demon Artbook!

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 1:17 am
by ALRadeck
@rabbleboy : Thanks so much!