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New to Kickstarter and less than 10 days to go

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:50 pm
by lasayinc
Hello everyone!

I am new to kickstarter and have less than 10 days till the end of my campaign. I wish I had researched this information before I launched however I didn't so here I am ;) please take a look at my campaign and let me know any advice that will help boost potential backers. :D

Thanks in advance.

Re: New to Kickstarter and less than 10 days to go

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:19 am
by IndieGameAde
I'm just finding out that gaining momentum on social media is almost a must prior to launch. Sometimes you can get mostly funded from the Kickstarter community by those searching on the site, but I've read there's only a short window for this opportunity. The good thing is that if the project isn't fully funded, there's nothing to stop you building it up on the social media front first and then relaunching,

all the best with the project,


Re: New to Kickstarter and less than 10 days to go

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 2:40 pm
by sbriggman
Yea, there is definitely a honey moon period on Kickstarter where you will show up higher in the search results, however, unless you keep plugging away, you'll quickly fall out of the rankings.

I think you guys should start planning your relaunch and possibly consider a lower goal. Also, if you haven't done any local outreach, putting together a strategy for this. I feel like the people the campaign is most relevant to are the people in the Atlanta area.

Re: New to Kickstarter and less than 10 days to go

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:23 am
by ThePioneerHouse
Interesting insight. This is my first Kickstarter experience -- ... neer-house -- and I'm wondering if there's any tips for making your newly launched project more visible on Kickstarter's web site?

Re: New to Kickstarter and less than 10 days to go

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:40 pm
by IndieGameAde
+ ThePioneerHouse, I found a KS forum post where the KS team offer to put a tag on your project,, I replied in the thread and the next day I could find my project under RPG (Games).

+ sbriggman, yep, good advice. It's definitely a learning process, if you haven't got a good following you need to get one before the KS project launch. I'm seeing this as a learning experience and if not successful, I'll relaunch when the following is stronger. Thankfully KS are showing welcome wisdom and allow you to relaunch a project :)