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Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting cards!

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:48 am
by Rachel410
Hi creators,

I'm Rachel, new to the crowd funding world and this forum.

My team, TagTalk, has launched a Kickstarter campaign 3 weeks ago. I have to admit that it's so wrong that we didn't come here and learn from everyone else's experience ahead of time. But it's better to come late then never showed up!

So just a quick intro to my campaign: TagTalk - The World's First Crafted NFC Gift Tags is getting funded at Would love to hear everyone's feedback, suggestions, and anything you'd like to share. I really really like the atmosphere here, so I'm gonna browse around learning from everyone, and hopefully to contribute my own help as well!

Thanks in advance :)

Re: Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting ca

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:09 pm
by nervouslightfilms
very nice

Re: Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting ca

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 2:25 am
by Rachel410
Thank you! Can you pls share what attracted you the most and what improvements would you like to see? Are you also launching a campaign?

nervouslightfilms wrote:very nice

Re: Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting ca

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:21 pm
by sbriggman
I think the video is pretty easy to understand in terms of how the product works. I also like that you can send a video through the software. Have you guys considered approaching a gift company like Edible arrangements for some kind of partnership?

Re: Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting ca

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:40 pm
by Rachel410
We definitely have Sal. There're no entrepreneurs who don't dream big, and we would love to connect with big gift basket or flower delivery providers one day. Right now we are looking at another 3 months to finish the tech development. That's why we wanted to use Kickstarter to test the market and build a base before reaching out to them.

But I think we missed something critical during our preparation. So I'm trying hard to make it right now, and good news is that content marketing has finally started to show results (in terms of number of followers and their engagement level). We really learned a lot from these productive failures. It would be totally different if we run into you ahead of time and I wish no one here will make the same mistake again. So I was thinking, maybe we can share some lessons-learned to Crowdcrux readers in a format of on-going campaign interview? There are a couple of things we could have improved along the journey:

1. From imaginary scenes to real video - things to do & not to do working with the cameraman
2. Educate audience who are unfamiliar with crowd funding efficiently
3. Scoop the data, not the numbers, of similar products or competitors

I can think more if you are interested! I'm part of an avid entrepreneur community in Waterloo, Canada. We will share the post on our blog, update, FB and Twitter, so that more people will see the greatness of crowd funding and the valuable guidance of Crowdcrux.

You can contact me via as well. Thanks Sal! Good day :)

sbriggman wrote:I think the video is pretty easy to understand in terms of how the product works. I also like that you can send a video through the software. Have you guys considered approaching a gift company like Edible arrangements for some kind of partnership?

Re: Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting ca

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:46 pm
by sbriggman
Yea, I'm always open to guest posts as long as they provide useful information for readers. I'll shoot you an email.

Re: Hi I'm Rachel, I made multimedia gift tags & greeting ca

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:50 pm
by Rachel410
Perfect Sal! Let me know what do you think of the directions we suggested and what else you think that future creators might need to know. Our email is Looking forward to it!

sbriggman wrote:Yea, I'm always open to guest posts as long as they provide useful information for readers. I'll shoot you an email.