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Making yourself heard

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 9:41 pm
by Tim Brownstone
Hi I am Tim.
Our Kickstarter is undergoing review at the moment but I would love to hear what people think of it in the mean time: ... n=e437986a

I also have a question that I think many of us will have thought of which I would be really grateful if someone could lend some advice on. Many of the articles on here and crowd crux speak about the best places to promote a campaign etc. but i don't feel it is as simple as knowing where to post.

What is more important is how does someone with a relatively small following such as myself make them self heard amongst the billions of other voices out there?!

Hope some one has some advice :)

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Fri Apr 04, 2014 10:42 pm
by Kreedos
I think the layout looks good Tim. I only got to watch the video. Kudos for making it short and to the point. I guess I would've been more engaged if there was a narrator...that's just a minor gripe though.

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:35 pm
by thedaywemet
This looks really professional! The layout and images really draw you in to the product.

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:39 pm
by Tim Brownstone
Thanks for the encouraging words guys!
Kreedos I did think about adding something from me and/or the team but I felt that it detracted from the concise punchiness of the video....

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:28 pm
by HateFilledBox
Hey Tim,

The graphics look very professional, and I am sure you will do great!

As for your question, the most success I've ever had in trying to get heard is to have something that people can't resist sharing. Then it isn't so much about being heard when you first share your project, but it's about the echo effect which is louder than any one person can manage! For you, it could be the message or the lifestyle behind your brand.

Take a look at the character photos on our page. They are designed so that people almost NEED to discuss them.

I hope that helped and good luck!


Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:14 pm
by sbriggman
"How does someone with a relatively small following such as myself make them self heard amongst the billions of other voices out there?! "

I think if comes down to having a fundamentally remarkable/awesome value proposition (rewards, pitch, mission, etc). We tend to want to share things that surprise us with how awesome they are. Tips on social media viral components: ... h-peretti/

I also think it's a lot easier to raise yourself above the noise if you tap into a pre-existing community or fanbase. For example, 3D printing is a growing community and if you create a ridiculously awesome 3d printer at a low cost with some kind of new technology, the members of that community are more likely to recognize it and help spread the word.

If your product doesn't have an established community, it can be harder to get that critical mass of interested parties needed to rise above the noise. This is a good topic for a blog post, I'll think about expanding on it in the future.

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:48 pm
by sbriggman

"Science lead" should be "science led" right? In the video?

- Would highly recommend including yourselves in the video explaining a bit of the information you see on the slides and why you guys are passionate about this.

- Don't see any kind of cost breakdown as to where the funds will be going?

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:42 am
by Gchavez
This looks very professional! I hope when I make my Kickstarter campaign it's as nice as this one. Great Job!

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2014 4:54 pm
by Nick77
Video looks very professional and the line looks fantastic. I'm just wondering if the "pitch" to the Kickstarter community - who seem to like to help startups and people with stories, would benefit from having the creators in the video. As is, to me, it looks like a glossy, slick commercial that doesn't need "my" help. A quick look at your "first created, none backed" also speaks volumes - as it lends itself to your group coming into the community but not giving back in faith, in advance, for other project creators.

I would replace the £5 reward (unless you're famous) with something related to the project that you can mail to the backer at the cheapest rate, that will also serve to remind the backer of your cool project, and that you can use to present an offer to them to buy something from you after the campaign. Something simple like a swatch of the material or a sticker along with an amazing offer.

Don't underestimate testimonials. If you have them, add them, and near the top.

Good luck!

Re: Making yourself heard

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 6:27 pm
by Tim Brownstone
Hi All,

Thank you all so much for your feedback on our campaign, I am genuinely so grateful! I will be working on applying all of your comments to the campaign over the week so if we are luck enough to get fully funded, please know that you all had a small part to play in it.

It is funny that many of you say that the video looks professional etc. the truth is that that was made last September when we only had 1 prototype, no graphics other than the ones you see there and no money to spend on making a higher budget one!

I will add another reply when the edits are done so you can all see the difference you have made :D

Thanks again!