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We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:12 am
by Defyne Design

The Magwoods are some of the strongest and most versatile wood magnets around. Who really wants a refrigerator cluttered with just souvenir or decorative magnets trying to hold up pictures and notes? Magnets should be designed to be strong, multifunctional and to work together, inviting you to dream up lots of new things to hold up with them. That's what we did with “The Magwoods.” Each one is made from a selection of beautiful hardwoods (like bamboo, cherry and mahogany) and powerful magnets to hold up objects not usually found on metal surfaces. Their simple profile help to de-clutter your refrigerator while their useful notches hold up everything from Ipads and cell phones to magazines and flowers.

This is our current live project -

Feel free to ask us anything regarding our Kickstarter project!

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 8:04 pm
by sbriggman
Incredible progress! Great job. Will start promoting this thread.

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Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 10:33 pm
by Defyne Design
Thanks. Its definitely been a journey.

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 11:49 pm
by mraak
Did you do any pre-promotion and building followers? What did you use to promote the project outside kickstarter?

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 1:36 am
by Defyne Design
I didn't do much in the way of early promotion. I put the project up on Prefundia about 2 weeks before launching. Had a good number of viewers but very few people followed it, and 1 person backed me for a $1. A couple of blogs picked it up on their own, a couple more i sent info to and they than posted it. Nothing really outside of Kickstarter has shown much traction. Kickstarter accounts for almost 80% of all my backers. One thing i did notice, is that very few of my backers are new to Kickstarter. Kickstarter has arrived.

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 2:57 am
by mraak
Interesting. How about during the campaign? Did you have an active Twitter account, and Facebook page?

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:58 pm
by Defyne Design
Not really. I launched at 8pm, got my Kickstarter links to put in my share page, and started putting them into emails to send out to friends and family. An hour later, just before I hit send, I looked at my page and raised 4% of my goal. Within the first 72 hours or so I hit my goal. At that point I would say it was about 70% Kickstarter backers.

Here check out my:

and page

As you can see I haven't used them much, and didn't start posting very soon before my launch. I think it is all about the audience you are catering too. Magnets seem to be very attractive to Kickstarter users. My backer traffic page looks nothing like Kimiko's "Tabletop Simulator". I dont even know if wooden magnets would appeal to a Reddit audience. I haven't tried and as far as I know no one has tried putting a link of my project on it. I guess it would be an interesting test to put it up and see what would happen, but I dont use Reddit so I am doubtful anyone would pay it any mind.

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 3:29 pm
by rallen
Hey Defyne,

who or which company did you use to get the word out about your project? Thanks in advance.

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 1:46 am
by Defyne Design
I didnt use anyone.

Re: We've raised over 275% so far. Ask us anything! (AMA).

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:58 am
by markkuan
Hey Guys Congrats on your amazing Journey! i just launched and am realizing real fast that i need to start reaching out to more people, there have been offers from web pr marketing agencies ie. gogo rocket & social tigers, i have a limited budget and want to make the right choice but im lost the jungle. Did you guys work with such web pr agents? any advise would be mucho appreciated
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