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Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:53 pm
by mattmarcy
Hey fellow Kickstarter-ites...

I've just launched my first campaign and I'm already feeling the nervous pang that will undoubtedly get worse until we reach our goal. But I'm having a blast, and every backer feels like a little victory. I'm also thrilled with the response the video is getting -- there's a trick at the end that seems to be fooling everyone. Yay. If you get a chance, check it out:
And send me whatever projects you're Kickstarting for. I love to see what people are working on!

An epic tale called "Dirty Bones"

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:01 am
by DirtyBones
Looks like a cool project Matt...good luck! We just launched our "Dirty Bones" project yesterday as well, it's about the coolest dogs and cats that you'll ever see! Vividly drawn by professional comic book artist Mario "OMG" Gully and colored by one of the best in the industry: Thomas Mason! Please check it out:

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:19 am
by kumbricia
Mattmarcy - I want to say good luck and I really think your campaign is great. I love the video. I think you'll do great. Have fun and I wish you the best.
DirtyBones - I love the illustrations and your project is great. I hope you meet your goals and wish you the best of luck.

If you would like to check out my project, here's a link, ... e_location - It's a young adult/fantasy novel that I'm publishing. :)

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:01 am
by Themusicman316
Love the start and got me hooked and humor has to be the best trick to use. Wish you luck!!!!

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:38 am
by mattmarcy
Thanks for the positive feedback, guys!
Dirtybones, your drawings are fantastic! Very impressive.
Good luck to all...let's reach our goals!

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:46 am
by drlouisechughes
Good luck with it, the project looks fantastic and I have backed. There is one thing that I couldn't find on the page; how will the series be released? You had digital downloads for certain backer tiers but I presume the series will be available to people outside of Kickstarter backers. Will it be available outside of the US as well?

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 9:03 am
by mattmarcy
Hey Louise! Thanks for backing! Yes, the series will eventually be released to people outside of Kickstarter, and I believe that will include people outside the U.S. We're currently looking at several platforms to release on -- because the series director has many connections in the new media world from her first web series, we have inroads at different web studios where we might take it. I'll definitely keep everyone up to date on that as we move forward. :)

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:13 pm
by sbriggman
@matt Rockstar video! Just backed you. Very good example of how to entertain and also provide all the information backers are seeking.

@kumbricia - Feedback: Think the video would be good for people that know you, but for strangers I think it could use a little more emotion :). Have you seen (How To Use Kickstarter To Fund Your Next Book Project): ... k-project/

@DirtyBones - Killer illustrations! I've included some articles (interviews/tips/resources) related to comic book Kickstarters below.

5 Kickstarter tips for comic books: ... mic-books/

4 Tips For Kickstarter Success From Bleedback Comic Book Campaign: ... -campaign/

20 Bloggers and Publishers To Market Your Kickstarter Comic Book Campaign To: ... mpaign-to/

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 3:19 am
by mattmarcy
Awesome! Thanks so much! Hit a slump in backers today, but I guess that's to be expected. Gonna try to release an update video this week which will hopefully start driving traffic again.

Re: Hey, my magical Kickstarter just went live!

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:07 am
by yiyihan123
I just looked at your kickstarter page and it looks awesome! I really like your video. I think you have a nice balance of you talking and other things, and it's actually funny. Good luck!