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I'd love some advice connecting to the Community!

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:16 pm
by ficklech
Hey everyone! We are in the middle of a campaign and I haven't figured out how to the Kickstarter Community at large. I have been engaging with my own community, mostly via Facebook. I have messaged all my friends and started a Facebook page for updates:

But I have no idea how to reach the larger community. I'd love to hear some feedback on the Kickstarter and on reaching the broader community! Thanks ... ing-waters
Chris Fickley

Re: I'd love some advice connecting to the Community!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 4:58 pm
by sbriggman
Hey Chris - Some places to start...Would recommed checking out this interview I did of GrayPort's Film project ( ... ey-online/)

Also, have you checked out this article on how this filmmaker raised over 100k? ... ckstarter/

Re: I'd love some advice connecting to the Community!

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 5:03 pm
by offbeatballad
Hi Chris,

Looks like you've already reached out to a number of people within your circle (89 backers and 255 likes). From here on out, I would suggest reaching out to local newspapers, film communities, etc. If you want to reach out to the online community, try visiting some sites that your target audience usually visits. Good luck on your campaign.