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[Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on yours?

Posted: Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:24 am
by nikkwong
Hey guys! Loving the community here. ... al-filters

Here's my project. It too has gotten 99% of contributions from KS and pretty much nothing from outside. Which I find odd, I've spent over 150$ in carefully targeted FB advertising; as well as posting on reddit and other photography related sources. Any ideas?

Anyways, I like the idea of trading feedback on my campaign for feedback on yours, so be sure to include a link to your campaign and I'll review it and you can do the same for mine! Please be SUPER CRITICAL about mine; I want to see where I come off weak. My project just started but I'm a little behind funding schedule :oops:

Thanks all!

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:17 am
by drlouisechughes
Your campaign is very attractive, has a lot of clear information and nice, appealing images. I think your price points are realistic. The one thing that stood out as missing is some higher level backer rewards for people who maybe want to contribute more or have slightly different interests. Could you offer an experience? A training session in photography and using the filters, or a class that you can teach, whether online or in person? What about high resolution prints of some of the images you have taken?

Write a press release using CrowdfundingPR and send it to various sites and bloggers that are in the photography field. Perhaps you could suggest writing a guest post about photography filters that can end with a plug for your kickstarter. You will need to drive more traffic to hit your goal, but you do have a lot of time.

One area you should target is Twitter. I have had a lot of success with it so i think it is worth trying to help drive traffic. There are also sites such as kickingitforward and pitchfuse that are worth exploring. Anything that will get your project turning up in the search engines.

Does that help at all? Good luck with the project. :)

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:45 pm
by nikkwong
This is great insight; thanks so much! I'll definitely check out Twitter--hadn't considered that.

I considered the weakest point of my campaign to be my video; so I've remade it and I think it's a lot stronger now. Do you guys have any insights into canceling the campaign and relaunching it in a different category? I think the design category may provide me with more traffic. What do you think?

Many thanks.

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 7:29 am
by drlouisechughes
You can change category without ending your campaign. I think you should stick with it and try to make this project work. If it doesn't and you don't make goal it is not an issue, you can relaunch later. A lot of backers do not have a problem with you failing to make your funding goal the first time around.

I just checked and saw you had cancelled your project. Good luck with the relaunch!

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:51 pm
by sbriggman
@nikkwong - Here's a place to start with twitter: ... g-twitter/

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:51 pm
by KSaddict
Hello Nikk,

Can you share why you cancelled your campaign?


Do you have any experience of heard of someone changing category during live project?
My project is very low in product design category and I receive no backers from kickstarter anymore. Do you think putting it into "fashion" will make any difference? I wonder if category changes does kickstarter algorithm treat it as a new addition?


Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:29 am
by drlouisechughes
@Ksaddict - I did exactly that, changed from design to fashion. :) I had no problem and the project continued as normal. I later changed back to design, again without an issue.

Have you encountered There are people on there that you can pay $5 to who increase your rankings. I did this once and it worked. It doesn't last very long unless you get a boost in backers, but it does make the project more discoverable. I also used a person on there to post my press release to a variety of different sites.

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 5:10 am
by jnorto00
You guys all have outstanding projects. I wish I was better at design and had more time to commit to this part of my project.

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:27 am
by nikkwong
Thanks for all the insight and responses! Great to hear from people that are thinking alike.
@KSaddict -- I believe I cancelled the project because of issues similar to that which you are experiencing. My project rarely was pulling backers from KS anymore and had slowed to a hault. I believed that if I had a chance to relaunch it (take another week to make a better video) I would benefit from both a better video and being added to the 'recently added' category. If I chose to not relaunch, I would not have a very good video until about 14 days before my campaign would end. Sounded like a recipe for disaster for me; I also originally had more ambitious plans for this project and hardly meeting the $10,000 line would hardly be a success.

@drlouisechughes--Thanks for the insight into using Fiverr. I had used a member on their previously who posted my campaign on her facebook and tweeted it to her followers for 5$; not surprisingly there were no results. I will definitely go this route, though.

Oh and if you're interested the project is about ready to be relaunched, the preview is here: ... n=a89f7993

I think the video is much snazzier; wouldn't you say? Any final tips before I trudge back into the scary crowdfunding world? Thanks guys!

Re: [Trade] Feedback on product campaign for feedback on you

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:03 pm
by sbriggman
"Scary crowdfunding world" lol.

Have you thought of including a tier between $21 and $1?

May also want to check guidelines: "Product Design and Hardware projects can only offer one reward per pledge. Offering multiple quantities can imply that rewards are shrink-wrapped and ready to ship when they’re not. With some projects, we'll make exceptions for what we consider sensible sets — things like salt and pepper shakers, notebooks, building blocks, etc."

Not sure if your rewards would be caught by that or not. Guidelines: